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Informational meetings in women support centers

Psycho-legal mechanisms for the response to violence cases, victim assistance services - informational meetings on these issues were held in Terjola, Samtredia, Kobuleti, Zugdidi and Senaki municipalities.

During the meetings with the representatives of different communities, the Fund "Sukhumi" also identifies the cases of violence. The response mechanisms are different: a consultation of psychologist and a lawyer is used. Authoritative parsons are involved in solution of conflict situation. These tools increase efficiency.

Information about the new website "Digital Resource Center of the Services for Violence Victims" was spread during the meetings. This page provides full information on victim support services.

Participants note that informing the population is important and will help prevent violence.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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