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Work against violence

Since 2001, Fund “Sukhumi” actively works on issues of domestic violence against women, though raising awareness of population and promoting zero tolerance against domestic violence.  A rehabilitation Day Center for Victims of Violence functions under the aegis of the Fund "Sukhumi", where victims of violence are provided psychological assistance, legal advice, professional courses and assisted in further employment.

Through systematic monitoring, the organization studies and analyzes the effectiveness of legal and social protection mechanisms against domestic violence, assesses the quality of provided services by the actors of the referral system and level of their coordination.

Fund “Sukhumi” also assesses the quality of existing support services for the victims of domestic violence and how they meet the needs and priorities of the beneficiaries. All findings and recommendations are reflected in the reports and policy documents of the organization and communicated to different stakeholders and decision-makers at the local and national level.  The “Women Support Centers” established by the Fund “Sukhumi”, are constantly collecting information about local problems and needs, mobilizing and informing citizens, and engaging them in the advocacy process.

The organization has a variety of training modules and a qualified team of trainers, which allows to multiply the experience of the organization.

Organization builds capacity of the local self-government representatives by providing relevant trainings, methodological support, conducting needs-assessment and supporting the implementation of gender programs and budget.

In 2018, in Kutaisi, a Day Rehabilitation Center was opened in the office of the Fund, where the victim / potential victim of violence can take free consultations of a psychologist and a lawyer, pass accounting, sewing, computer and polymer clay courses. After completing the course, beneficiaries have the opportunity to write a business project and as a result of the competition, receive a small grant

“Strengthening the Women’s Rights in Western Georgia” – On April 21, the Fund “Sukhumi” has started a new stage of this project. The project area - four regions of Western Georgia: Imereti, Samegrelo, Guria and Ajara. The work is carried out in the following 10 municipalities: Vani, Bagdati, Samtredia, Tkibuli, Terjola, Senaki, Tsalenjikha, Zugdidi, Chokhatauri, Kobuleti.

One of the innovations is that, for the first time, within the framework of the project, Women Support Centers are created in Vani, Bagdati, Samtredia, Tkibuli and Chokhatauri.

In 2022, the Women Fund “Sukhumi” opened a Rehabilitation/Crisis Center in Kutaisi. The referral comes from the Women Support Centers. A woman who is in difficult situation, but does not have the status of a violence victim and because of this she is not accepted into the shelter, can get here. While a woman passes the appropriate procedures, she can live with her children in a calm and comfortable environment for 10-15 days. The Rehabilitation Center is equipped with 4 bedrooms, a dining room, a kitchen, playgrounds, comfortable area. Three meals a day is organized.

The teacher conducts entertaining and educational activities with children. A psychologist, a lawyer and a social worker carry out comprehensive work with women. They help them in psycho-rehabilitation, preparing the necessary documents, in determining their future.

The website of the Fund "Sukhumi" - "Digital resource center of the services for violence victims" was created in 2022.

This platform contains the following information: services for violence victims, legislation, national referral mechanism, publications (reports and researches), mobile application and hotline numbers, answers to various questions, innovations.

The aim of the website is to improve accessibility to all types of services to protect the victims (survivors) of violence against women and domestic violence.

The website was created with the support of the Equality Fund (Canada).

In 2023, a map of domestic violence risk indicators was created on the webpage panel. Here are the official statistics for individual regions and the statistics of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" -

In this direction, the Fund "Sukhumi" cooperates with its long-lasting donor organization Brot für die Welt.

At various times, the work of the Fund was supported by: the Global Fund for Women, HumanDoc foundation, Filia, Mama Cash, Nesehnutí, International Women's Association in Georgia (IWAG), the French Embassy in Georgia, the British Embassy, the Embassy of Canada in Turkey.