The Women Initiative Group of Tskaltubo actively advocates for improving the social profile of IDPs - in particular, several problems were advocated and resolved with the participation of local authorities.

The Women Initiative Group is also actively engaged in advocating for the problems that need to be solved.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Khoni Women Initiative Group is actively working to improve the living conditions of IDPs. They have advocated for several infrastructure issues. They also monitor the advocacy of issues that have not yet been resolved.

In February, the group conducted active communication with displaced populations to highlight their needs and then advocate them.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Members of Senaki Women Initiative Group continue to actively advocate for the issues chosen in the IDP communities. There is already some progress in this direction. New problems appeared in the list of solved problems, for example, the problem of the roof of residential buildings. The role of local self-government in solving the problem is also revealed.

Members of the women's group follow advocacy issues, exchange information with each other and act according to the action plan.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

An information meeting was held with members of Women Initiative Group of Zugdidi. Despite the online format, the meeting was held actively, against the background of the interest expressed from the side of the participants.

The participants assessed the dynamics of the advocacy process. They discussed which issues are reflected in the municipal budget, and which of them require further development.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

An online information meeting was held with members of Zugdidi Women Initiative Group. The participants summarized the results of the past year and talked about the news in terms of cooperation with local governments within the framework of the project. They also noted what is planned in the future and what are the promises from local authorities.

The advocacy process will continue.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

The women's network established in Khoni continues to work actively in direction of advocating for the problems of the IDP community in the municipality. Network activists follow the dynamics of advocacy of the issues raised by them. They are in close contact with representatives of local self-government.

Part of the problems are already reflected in the budget and will be addressed step by step in 2023. Infrastructural issues were especially actively lobbied: roofing of residential buildings, repair of facades and installation of gutters.

The network moderator met with a member of the Gender Council of the municipality. During the meeting, it was noted that the action plan of the gender council for 2023 reflects the activities that were recorded by Khoni group at the workshop held in Kutaisi - this will contribute to the implementation of the action plan of Resolution 1325 at the local level.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

- What was the last project year like, what dynamics can be seen in terms of advocating the problem and what are the expectations in the long term period - these issues were discussed at an online meeting with members of Senaki Women Initiative Group.

There are some innovations in the process of advocacy that open up prospects for problem solution.

At the same time, members of the initiative group advocate the problems in the military settlement that were caused during a strong wind. The problems associated with damage of electrical wiring and roofs have already been eliminated with the inclusion of self-management.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Tskaltubo women's network actively continues to work on solving the problems raised in the IDP settlements during the research process.

Network leaders work closely with local government. Most of the problems advocated by them have already been resolved by the relevant departments.

As for the implementation of the action plan of 1325 UN Resolution at the local level, the Gender Equality Council of Tskaltubo municipality is one of the leaders in this direction - it envisages and implements important standards in terms of women, peace and security.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

During the meeting of Tskaltubo Women Initiative Group, the participants talked about the project work, the results of advocacy and future plans.

The participants received information about the strategy developed by local structures - the strategy for the implementation of Resolution 1325 in the field was developed during the training.

In order to implement the tasks included in the strategy, the women group continues to actively cooperate with local structures.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Members of Kutaisi Women Initiative Group were provided with information about the activities carried out within the framework of the project, the advocacy results and plans for the future.

The leader of the group informed the participants about the strategy that was developed by local structures for the implementation of the Resolution 1325.

The women's group is working on the implementation of the main tasks that are included in the strategy.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Social Networks