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383 people - in our Ukrainian base

Our group, which supports Ukrainian refugees, worked actively in November, as in previous months. For the given moment we have 383 people in our database, in November we added 53 new people. This month, 42 families (95 people) were assisted, 3 families were given warm blankets, 4 families - heaters. One man was helped with paying for medical procedures (oncology) and special food was purchased.

Slippers and linen were also distributed. Assistance to pay for housing continues, this month 4 more families were added, one of which lives in Tbilisi. Since the couple is elderly, as an exception, the Fund took the responsibility to pay for their accommodation. Ukrainian refugees continue to receive free psychological assistance and support.

- In the City Hall of Kutaisi, issuing of personal travel cards was finished and now they are working on single assistance for children, from our we help them in communication, - says Sophia Tsirgvava, an assistant for working with Ukrainians. - The program of free education for Ukrainian children STEM, in English, continues to function. We picked up children of the appropriate age and sent them to the Kutaisi project coordinator. Work on other issues are also in progress.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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