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Electronic petition system in Khoni

Population is going to plant hornbeam trees in Gubi. In Dedalauri it is planned to asphalt the central road, the residents of Dzedzileti and Gocha-Jikhaishi have a problem with transport.

These are the problems of the villages of Khoni municipality. And the solution was found...

Electronic petition!

This is a modern, convenient mechanism.

A petition (lat. "Petitio") is a collective request to the authorities in written form.

The Internet has significantly increased and simplified signatures to the petition, improved the dialogue of citizens with government structures. Our project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring” also serves to activate Internet resources.

The idea was born within the framework of this project, and it was implemented by a working group created in frames of the project. The group studied the essence of the petition, the ways of its use, the facilitators were selected, who conducted an information campaign in 12 administrative units of Khoni municipality - familiarized the population with the meaning of the petition and identified the needs of communities for submitting a petition.

Information leaflets were printed and distributed with instructions on how to post an electronic petition on the municipality's website

There is a window - petition on the web page

15 petitions were uploaded - rehabilitation of the square in Kveda Kinchkha, solution of the problem with transport for the residents of Gocha-Jikhaishi, installation of road restrictions at the Matkhoji-Martvili turn, etc.

At least 0.5% (120 voters) registered in Khoni municipality have the right to submit an electronic petition.

The submission of 4 petitions has already been completed (120 more votes), and they were sent to the City Hall for further response. This is a solution of infrastructural problems in IDP settlement in Kutiri and Tskarosmindori (asphalting the road, rehabilitation of the sports ground and square). One of the problems is especially urgent - the introduction of standards for vaccination in Khoni, castration / sterilization of stray dogs and the allocation of financial resources for this.

Voting is still ongoing for 6 petitions.

After solving the problems, the population of the municipality will be convinced that they can independently identify their own needs and solve them through an online dialogue with the authorities...

This is one of the serious results of the project, this is its success story, a good example of citizen participation. 

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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