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How the money was collected in two days

The Kovalenko family arrived from Kharkov. They lived in Samtredia for several months. They had to face difficulties, the child was hospitalized twice, our Fund helped them in preparation of documents for free medical treatment, helped them with food and hygiene items. Then they decided to return to Ukraine. But they didn't have money.

Sophie Tsirghvava, an assistant who works with Ukrainian refugees, decided to try to collect money, although she herself did not really believe that it would work. She wrote a request on a social network to help this family. There were people who transferred a substantial amount. There were also facts of transferring 3 or 5 GEL to the indicated account... The Kovalenkos were surprised, they cried and said that despite the fact that people have financial problems they help them anyway...

More than 3600 GEL was collected In two days.

On September 10, five people flew safely via Poland. Now they are in the village, it is more peaceful there. They are very grateful to the Fund "Sukhumi".

At the moment, there are 293 people in our database. In September, 34 beneficiaries were added. Assistance in the form of food, hygiene products, household chemicals was provided to 22 families. Some families were assisted with paying for accommodation, utility bills, the children were given school supplies and bags. The chemotherapy was paid for one woman.

Three psychologists worked with women and children for a whole month.

Our group acquaints Ukrainian refugees with the information they need, for example: benefits in the amount of 300 GEL are received only by those who lived in hotels upon arrival; Ukrainians can get free treatment only in referral hospitals – such clinic is Z. Tskhakaya Medical Center of Western Georgia in Kutaisi; Kutaisi has announced a free Georgian language course at Zurab Zhvania Public Administration School. This information is very important for people who, by the will of fate, appeared in our region.

And finally, a very pleasant issue: on September 15, a day of Ukrainian cuisine was held in our office. Representatives of local government and our partner organizations were invited to the meeting. Ukrainian women prepared delicious meals. They also told their stories, how they appeared in Georgia, how they were received here. Tatyana and Natalia were congratulated on their birthday - they were very touched by the attention and gifts. The meeting was very sensitive and warm. At the end, gifts were given to everyone.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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