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Outsourcing – in a way of Tsalenjikha

We love to share experiences.

We love to help.

We have accumulated a lot of knowledge during these years. And, of course, we try to transfer this knowledge.

Recently, the practice of outsourcing has been successfully introduced.

Outsourcing means "using an external source". It is the provision of a concrete service by one company/institution to another.

Our staff has been consulting Gender Equality Councils for years, helping them to develop gender policies and action plans. Selling the services of qualified NGOs is the most cost-effective and efficient way to achieve results, that is why local governments/gender equality councils are more and more often trying to use our qualifications and many years of experience in various fields.

We have good experience of cooperation with Zugdidi, Senaki and Bagdati municipalities.

In December, there was a good example of outsourcing in Tsalenjikha at the initiative of the Gender Equality Council of the municipality.

Members of the Council periodically participate in the trainings of the Women Fund "Sukhumi", which are held for local government. Khatia Makatsaria (City Council) and Natia Kvaratskhelia (City Hall) authorized persons for gender issues decided to conduct three trainings within the framework of the International Campaign “16 Active Days against Gender-based Violence”. They invited trainers from the Women Fund “Sukhumi” and financed their work from the budget of the Gender Equality Council.

The trainings were attended by more than 60 participants:

- Teachers of preschool institutions of Tsalenjikha municipality (trainer - Lali Shengelia).

- Representatives of the Mayor and their assistants in the administrative units of the municipality (trainer - Tea Goletiani).

- Representatives of local government (trainer - Ema Kamkia).

During the trainings the following issues were discussed: gender issues, issues of violence prevention, referral mechanisms and the importance of participation of each link.

The approach, that the implementation of the gender equality policy in the municipality means knowing and diversifying the needs of all local social groups, was used in the process of work.

It should be noted that self-governments have a rather tights budget, so its distribution should be carried out according to the principle of social justice. More attention should be paid to those who need help more than others.

The trainings once again emphasized how sensitive is the topic of domestic violence. There was an exchange of opinions on the creation of a practice of close inter-structural coordination, on the powers and responsibilities of various branches of self-government.

Three trainings, three groups, individual experience of trainers and participants of the training will definitely give a result in the processes of gender budgeting and prevention of violence against women/domestic violence in Tsalenjikha municipality.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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