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Problem solving for early conflict prevention

53452751 2273241452940686 8117073115210579968 n 53810910 2130608330353924 7859842722079703040 n 54416664 1921077991354880 8312518995039223808 n

Members of the Women Initiative Group of the Fund "Sukhumi" gathered in the village Khurcha (Zugdidi municipality). The group identified two problems with the risks of conflict development.

Participants discussed how to solve these problems in order to reduce risks. They noted:

- Local government should become a participant in these processes. We need to talk about the problems in the respective structures in order to find ways to solve them.

Team members are already working on a specific problem management plan.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
Last modified on Friday, 15 March 2019 18:16
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