First three meetings of the youth clubs – Tskaltubo, Kutaisi, Khoni

Category: კლუბები Hits: 2460
In September first three meetings of the youth clubs were held in Tskaltubo, Kutaisi and Khoni. Some young people participated in the meetings for the first time.
Topics: creation of the gender society. Law and reality. Situation in Georgia in aspect of gender violence.
Young people spoke about familiar issues, particularly about meaning of tradition. To their opinion some negative traditions promote to ruining families, to gender violence.
There were interesting active discussions. There was an interest towards the topics and free space, which positively effects on development of the youth. This is the concrete results of fund “Sukhumi” activities.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)