Research of local gender needs in Senaki

Category: Research Written by Super User Hits: 4067
In May 8-25 the members of Senaki GAC were involved in evaluation of local gender needs. They conducted 4 focus-groups, 4 in-depth interviews and 200 people were inquired. Total amount of participants was 244 people including socially unprotected women and IDP women, youth, women in a small business, women-leaders, representatives of media, NGOs and intelligence.
Experts in economics, education and culture, local self-governemnt, social care and healthcare representatives participated in in-depth interviews.
On the basis of presented reports and transcripts fund “Sukhumi“ will prepare analysis of research and elaborated recommendations jointly with the GAC for submission to local government for 2016 budget.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality