Three events in Senaki

Category: Women Support Centers Written by Super User Hits: 1219

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A small project of Senaki Women Support Center continues. Three activities were held in May:

A workshop with women, living in the village Teklati on "Violence against women and domestic violence, prevention and existing stereotype approaches" was held in the rural administration building.

An information meeting was held in Senaki representation of Social Services Agency, the parties got acquainted with the program, supporting the crisis families and consultative services of the Women Support Center.

A meeting was also held with a lawyer-consultant. The topic of conversation was "Georgian Law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence / Violence Against Women, Protection and Assistance to Victims ".and mechanisms of protection.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)