Active phase of the project of Khoni Women Support Center

Category: Women Support Centers Written by Super User Hits: 1253

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A small project of Khoni Women Support Center "Youth against violence" entered the active phase. In September, information meetings were held with the head of the legal department of Sakrebulo and the senior specialist of the organizational department (a brief presentation of the project and their support in specific organizational matters).

In frames of one of the projects of the Fund "Sukhumi", the following films on actual issues were shown in the open – air: "Narrow Corridor", "One ordinary Day", "Suitcase", "Armchair", "Steps". Then a discussion took place. Young people and their parents noted that films reflect the reality and it's very important to show them to different groups so that people think about the problems and start looking for a way out.

A workshop was held in IDP community for the group, which will independently conduct discussions in October after the films are shown.

The project is aimed at deepening communication skills to help resolve conflicts.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)