
Category: პროექტები Hits: 6656
Project title: “Strengthening of women’s rights in Western Georgia”
Donor: Brotfür die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Project title: Gender Advisory Councils – increasing women’s role in social changes of regions
Donor:UN Women Fund for Gender Equality
Project title: Gender Advisory Council - improved outlook, strengthening women's rights and good governance in the region.
Donor: U.S. State Department
Project title: Women identify the level of human security to build confidence and sustainable peace
Donor: Kvinna till Kvinna
Project title:  “Change of the policy of local government regarding gender budgeting”
Donor: Czech non-governmental organization «The independent socio-environmental movement»
Project  title: Strengthening women’s voices in decision-making 
Donor: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland FDFA
Project title:Learning from Visegrad 4 experience to advocate for equal, inclusive and democratic local governance
Donor: of the Visegrad Fund 
Project title: Active involvement of women in political life of Georgia through democratization of election processes
Donor: U.S. Embassy, Georgia 
Project title: Involvement of NGOs working on issues of social protection, in the strategic dialogue in Georgia
Donor: the Czech organization PIN - People in Need

Project title: Overcoming the consequences of war together
Donor: DRA – Deutsch-Russischer Austausch