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Small Project in Bagdati - "Know Your Rights for a Better Future"

It all started like this:

Our partner civil society organizations created a youth initiative group In Bagdati municipality in frames of a small project. With the support of the Fund "Sukhumi", this group was formed into a non-governmental organization and became known as "Solidarity - XXI".

Then the new organization independently took part in the grant competition, and the commission approved their small project “Know your rights for a better future”.

Young people started the activities of the project: informing of mothers with many children, single parents and youth, regarding the issues of public administration reform.

The results of the three-month project (May 10 - August 10) are following: the youth participating in the information meetings actively disseminate information in their communities. The level of use of e-services of local self-government has increased.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia


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