The Women Fund “Sukhumi” starts the project “IDP Women and Girls – Actors of the Needs-Oriented Local Policy Development in Kutaisi” in Kutaisi Municipality. The first information meeting - presentation of the new project was held online. It was attended by the representatives of the USAID Local Government Program, Kutaisi local self-government and the civil sector, as well as partners and beneficiaries.

Representatives of Kutaisi local self-government expressed their readiness to actively cooperate within the framework of the project.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Online conference of the Fund “Sukhumi”: "Local Cooperation for Advocacy of Community Needs in Zugdidi Municipality - with participation of members of the Women Peace Coalition, IDPs and conflict - affected women and girls" was held.

The conference was attended by representatives of the civil sector, municipalities, international organizations, the legislature and the central government.

The meeting evaluated the successful practices and challenges in terms of local cooperation in responding to the needs of citizens. Municipal officials announced their official position on advocacy issues initiated by Women Initiative Groups. They noted that the dialogue initiated with participation of citizens is a precondition for more accountability and responsibility of local authorities.

In frames of the advocacy campaign, it is important to work with a long-term prospect in support of IDP youth and conflict victims. In school No. 12 of the Abkhazian Autonomous Republic (in Zugdidi), in cooperation with the administration, the staff and the pupils, there was a willingness to arrange a youth space on the basis of the school so that teenagers could hold interesting meetings, discussions in an informal emviroment and think about the development of entrepreneurial skills.

Within the framework of the project, under the leadership of the activist of the Fund "Sukhumi" Mariam Narmania, meetings were held on the topics: "Ecology and climate change", "Women's rights". Young people were actively involved and had interesting discussions on various issues.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 womens Foundation (Sweden)

It was a project that brought lots of changes in eight municipalities. A project that, through improving electronic services, solved the problems of citizens.

The concrete results of active work over two years were discussed by the project participants at the final conference "Strengthening and Involvement of Local Civil Society Organizations in monitoring of Public Administration Reform/PAR in Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi - lessons learned".

The conference was inter-municipal - in addition to the 8 municipalities included in the project, representatives of 19 municipalities, civil society organizations and mass media of Western Georgia also participated.

“Through your project, we hear the voice of citizens”, “With your successful project, you were able to do the main thing - a continuous dialogue between the population and the government and the identification of problems. This is the main component in the process of public administration reform”, mentioned the representatives of central government structures.

The conference clearly demonstrated the results and achievements of the project.


The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

Vani working group: results, challenges

  • • Code of ethics for professional public workers of local self-government and a code of ethics for a member of City Council was developed and approved

    • Concrete amount was allocated from the budget and the website of the municipality was modernized, electronic services were improved

    • Council of persons with disabilities was created

    • Contracts with provider organizations were signed and the process of Internetization of the municipality is underway

    • A system of electronic petition and online broadcasting of City Council meetings is being introduced

    • Work to introduce civil budgeting is actively underway


    This and much more has been achieved as a result of the active work of Vani working group. Challenges also remain - this concerns raising the level of awareness of citizens and public servants on electronic services, and the group continues to work on it.

    The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

The last meeting of Bagdati working group was devoted to summing up the results achieved. The main achievement was the development of a code of ethics and anti-corruption regulations. The website was also modernized. All necessary information is available on the updated web page. The practice of online petitioning is being introduced. The population was actively informed about the importance of online services. The main challenge is the problem of internetization, and the active work is being carried out in this direction.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

Fruitful years of Terjola working group

During an online meeting of Terjola working group, the results of activities for two years were presented. The members of the group told about the work done, what main issues of the action plan were fulfilled.

First of all, the active cooperation of civil society organizations with local self-government was emphasized, which was not done before.

The most important issue was the introduction of civil budgeting. As a result of the competition, projects for which a tender was announced were accepted. The two project years were quite fruitful for Terjola.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

Great experience of Khoni working group

Khoni working group summarized the results of two years of work: strengthening local civil society organizations, registering new organizations, active cooperation of civil and governmental sectors, monitoring of the roadmap for public administration reform, launching of a hotline, updating the municipality's website, improving e-services for self-government, introducing an e-petition, development of a code of ethics ...

This is a great experience and best practice for Khoni municipality.


The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

First meetings of September

In the first days of September, the organization "Mercury", a member of the coalition "Women for Peace", organized two meetings with the voters of Zugdidi municipality. Due to pandemic restrictions, the format was combined - both online and with small groups of citizens.

The meeting participants received information about the online application introduced by the Fund "Sukhumi". They tried to familiarizes with the rules of its use. There were also those who expressed aggression towards the elections.

Part of participants have lack of information about the programs of the parties, but they are going to participate in the elections and believe that the information received through the platform will help them to make the right choice.


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 womens Foundation (Sweden)

Social Networks