Mission of the organization

  • Thursday, 28 January 2021
  • 3343 times

Promoting social, economic and political development of women by building women capacities, raising their social and legal awareness, supporting them to develop themselves as equal partners, active citizens and central decision-makers.

 Values of the organization

  • To promote gender equality and empower women and girls, and to remove any barriers thatprevent full participation of women and girls in the public life;
  • To promote full and inclusive participation of every person – man or woman – who have the right and responsibility to contribute their talents, skills and resources to development of their country and achieving lasting peace; 
  • To promote full and equal access of women to decision-making positions at all levels and ensuring their participation in the elaboration and implementation of policy;
  • To promote a nonviolent culture and support services for women victims of violence that will improve their lives, alleviate their suffering caused by the violence and make important changes in their lives;
  • To promote the active involvement of the public for good governance and development of society;
  • To promote partnership and collaboration among civil society organizations, authorities and individuals working to benefit gender equality.
  • To keep a family atmosphere in the organization. We are proud of our staff;
  • To keep trustful relationship with each other, and to be confident that all rules are followed and the agreements are fulfilled;
  • To keep conflict-free environment, avoid acute situations, strive to reach a compromise.

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