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Round table in Lanchkhuti - on the topic of e - services          

"Development of e-services in local governments aiming at improving the availability of e-services for citizens" - a round table on this topic was held at the City Hall of Lanchkhuti municipality. The meeting was attended by representatives of local government, non-governmental sector, mass media, educational institutions.

Assistant of the project curatorial organization Imereti Scientists' Union “Spectri” Tamar Moseshvili underlined the importance of involving civil society in monitoring the roadmap for public administration reform. The head of the partner organization of the project "Georgian Rural Hall" Amiran Gigineishvili drew attention to the "Electronic Manager" developed within the framework of the project. And the head of the second partner organization "Lanchkhut Information Center" David Gogichaishvili, as well as representatives of local government and stakeholders spoke about the importance of the gradual development of the availability of e-services for the citizens.


The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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