What is self-assessment and what is its connection with development of family conflicts. How to manage conflict and avoid violence - in this direction discussions were held during workshops on conflict with women's groups in Khoni, Kutaisi and Khurcha (Zugdidi Municipality).
- Conflict management is impossible without self-evaluation. Over the years, I am a victim of violence. I thought that if I could not have a child, I should endure everything. When I started to attend the meetings, I found out that I became a victim. Now I'm a completely different person. There are no conflicts in the family, I am respected, - on the background of discussion of these stories many interesting considerations were heard.
Participants believe that patience is not always the right strategy, and does not regulate the conflict.
One of the major components in conflict management is correct self-evaluation. Workshops of the Fund "Sukhumi" helped in it.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)