TV Story on “Rioni” - gender education in pre-school educational service


“Change of the policy of local government regarding gender budgeting” – this is a name of fund “Sukhumi” project, in frames of which in 12 kindergartens of Kutaisi informational meetings were held regarding gender issues with the heads, teachers and Methodists.
 The story in “7 Days” tells about a project, which envisages promotion of gender education of pre-school teachers. The respondents – Mayor of the city, council members, teachers of kindergartens mention that the issue is actual and also they speak about problems, which are obvious in pre-school educational service.
 The story also relates to involvement of media.
 “The club of fathers and grandfathers”, the head of a kindergarten is a man – the meeting divided numerous new interesting vectors, related to gender issues and needs protection of the journalists.

The project  is implemented with the support of the Czech non-governmental organization «The independent socio-environmental movement»

Last modified on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 17:18

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