Ozurgeti: meeting of the council with the teachers

Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council met the deputies of the municipality and the teachers and pupils of the schools, where there is being implemented the project funded by local self-government: “Youth for Promotion of Gender Policy”.
The teachers positively evaluated the project. The conversation touched its importance, the fact that the youth have opportunity to receive informal education in the issues of gender and become more active.
The school representatives were given information regarding the campaign of 16 active days against violence towards the women. They expressed a will to participate in the campaign.
The same day there was held a meeting with the group, which works on the issues of integrity of gender issues elaborated by the council in 2016 budget. It was mentioned that in comparison with the previous years there is mopre readiness from the side of local self-government in this direction. 
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Last modified on Monday, 11 June 2018 17:06

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