Informational meeting of the lawyer in Senaki

On July 28, in Senaki, 229 Rustaveli Street, informational meeting of the lawyer was held, which was attended by IDPs and local population.
Meeting participants received information regarding law on IDPs and order of the Minister of Refugees and Accommodation No320, regarding criteria and procedures of IDP long-term resettlement. 
IDP families reside in above mentioned address for a long period. They are socially unprotected and it is difficult for them to pay rent.
The lawyer helped to prepare statement to the Minister of IDPs, in order to provide them with living space in the nearest future.
Besides, the lawyer individually talked with the beneficiaries regarding important issues for them. 
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Last modified on Saturday, 16 June 2018 10:59

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