Meetings (629)

Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.


Large format 23-rd meeting of GAC was held in Senaki. The first part was devoted to the presentation of the research of the fund “Sukhumi” “Evaluation of women human security level in Western Georgia”. Together with the council members, the meeting was attended by the chairperson of Sakrebulo and his deputy, representatives of social service and health care, teachers and directors of schools and kindergartens. There was held an active discussion of security issues, revealed in the process of research in the context of Senaki Municipality.

The second part of the research was participated by the GAC members, who detail discussed a new project, directed to the work in 14 territorial units of the municipality regarding the issues of gender and gender violence attracting representatives of Gamgeoba, majoritarian candidates, teachers, school directors and active youth. The GAC members have a hope of support from the side of local self-government and fund “Sukhumi” in realization of the project.    


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)
At a meeting of Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council the issue of assessment of local needs was discussed. It was decided to assess the villages of Ozurgeti municipality this year. Target groups Were selected, and a workshop was planned with a group that will conduct research.
At the same time the project activities were planned. Journalists who are members of the GAC, had the idea to create a web page in frames of the project "Breast cancer - not a sentence!" it will contribute to updating the problem and its solution.



The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



Meeting discussed the processes, which are planned for creation of gender councils on the basis of local self-government.

It is already started a work in this direction. The issue will be submitted to the meeting of Ozurgeti Sakrebulo, after that there will be discussed establishment of gender councellor position for the budget of the next year. The local government actively cooperates with the GAC in this direction.

It was decided that the GAC will familiarize all commissions with budget gender analysis, prepared by them. For this special meetings are appointed.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council received an offer from the side of  Province of Guria, to contribute to the creation of GACs in Guria region on a whole, as many good things were done for Ozurgeti population by joint work of the GAC and self-government.

February meeting of the GAC was attended by the women deputies of Lanchkhuti and Chokhatauri  municipalities.

The meeting discussed the principles of the GAC work, is was scheduled to meet in these municipalities for the official formation of the GAC. Women members of Sakrebulo of Lanchkhuti and Chokhatauri municipalitiues with greater motivation received the innovation, which the GAC is going to implement in their municipalities.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


The ordinary meeting of Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council (GAC) was devoted to the formation of the Youth GAC and Sakrebulo. Lawyer of the GAC introduced the draft provisions of the alternative Youth Sakrebulo, which, after adjustment, was familiarized by young people. With the help of members of the GAC rights and obligations of alternative GAC and Sakrebulo were drafted.
There were also activities planned under the new project, which will be implemented in rural schools of Ozurgeti municipality.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Ordinary meeting of Ozurgeti GAC was devoted to preparation for the conference. The conference is planned with the aim to summarize the project and familiarize with the practice of work.

The conference will be attended by the representatives of Guria, other municipalities of Guria, also municipalities of Adjara. The stress will be made on legislative change in the law regarding creation of gender councils in each Sakrebulo, that was the main goal of the project. 

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
Om May 27 meeting of Kutaisi Sakrebulo was attended by representatives of the fund “Sukhumi” together with the people with disabilities.
The aim of the project, in which they are involved, is their informing regarding the processed in the city and their integration in the society.
Nato Kupatadze is a person with disability. She mentioned that attended the meeting for the first time and discussed issues were too interesting for her.
Gender policy plan of Kutaisi GAC, was sent to the City Hall of Kutaisi for discussion. The letter was soon reacted. Council members met the chairperson of administrative service of the City Hall – ZviadJavakhia and his deputy – PikriaKhachapuridze. During the meeting, each recommendations were discussed. Representatives of local government expressed full support to the presented document. According to them consultations with different services will be continued, in order to reflect gender components in local budget of the next year.
Ordinary meeting of Gender Advisory Council began with the analysis of this meeting. The meeting was attended by PikriaKhachapuridze, who became the member of council and will officially take the position of gender advisor.
By the opinion of council members, started work should be continued effectively.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council gathered on an ordinary meeting. The participants gave corrections and finally approved implementation plan of Kutaisi gender policy, which will be reflected in the nest year local budget. Main part of amendments touched several initiatives and financial issues.
Concrete action plan was elaborated, according which the meetings must be organized with the vice-Mayor and the groups, who participated in composing budget of the City Hall.
Special groups were chosen from the council composition, which will continue meeting-consultations with representatives of the City Hall and Sakrebulo, in order to reflect gender aspects, reflected in documents prepared by the GAC in the local budget.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



On August 25, there was held a meeting of Kutaisi GAC. According the project, this is the last meeting of the GAC members. The participants spoke about the results of three year work. According their evaluation, the GAC made important share in formation of local gender policy. But there is still a question support of women and the growth of their number at local political level.

The GAC members consider that it is essential to keep the resource and experience, which exists at the given moment. In order to strengthen the gender policy, they consider it important to form gender council at Sakrebulo and continuation of the work in this direction.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

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