On November 15 there was held ordinary meting of the Club of Women Voters in the conference hall of Senaki Sakrebulo. The meeting was attended by the members of the Club, members of the GAC, women candidates and Sakrebulo staff. There was held a discussion of the results of Parliament elections in terms of women representation.

Women noted that in next elections of the local self-government, there shall be presented as many women candidates as possible, and above all political parties should take care of it.

The conversation touched the topic of violence against women and children and the upcoming 16-day international campaign with the slogan "From peace in the home to peace in the world." On November 25 Club members will join the large-scale action of the fund "Sukhumi", which will be held in Senaki, and in eight cities of Western Georgia. They will also hold information meetings in kindergartens and schools.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


On October 26 at the Center Civil Engagement of Ozurgeti there was held a meeting of the Club of Women Voters. The meeting summed up the results of elections. It was noted - not to vote only because it is a woman. It is necessary that the party represent the good, worthy candidates, known and respected in the community. To do this, it is needed to work actively with the parties.

The meeting discussed the problem of socially unprotected woman with three children. Member of the club, Head of Social Services Tamar Dumbadze included one of the children in the program to ensure that children's food. There was made the child's birth document, who was born at home. Now he receive medical service he needs.

The club also decided to organize the collection of food and food for the mother of many children.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


On December 7 in the conference hall of Khoni Sakrebulo there was held a meeting of the club of women voters.

The club members shared information about inclusion in the campaign “16 active days against gender violence”. there was a conversation about an action of greening and its long-term effects.

Concrete part of meeting was devoted to the issues, regarding the advocacy – there were named problems, which should be solved by the club members in collaboration with local government.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 



The meeting of the Club of Voter Women was held in the conference - hall of Gamgeoba of Khobi Municipality. Members of the Club discussed many social problems, both on a regional scale and the state as a whole. In the course of the active discussion, issues such as: the need to develop small business and support the family business in rural areas, promote greater access of the rural population to state programs to support small businesses, etc. were touched upon. The recommendations developed during the discussion will be submitted to political parties.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 



The Club of Voter Women of Tskaltubo discussed the issues of current advocacy and outlined a plan that will help to resolve these issues. The details of the final conference were also discussed at the Club.

After the meeting the members of the Club honored the memory of the famous Georgian writer Otia Ioseliani and on behalf of the Club took part in the event in honor of his birthday.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


Meeting of Khoni Club of Voter Women was attended by the chairperson of Sakrebulo Valeri yui96htadze and his deputy Koba Kuvblashvili.

Club members together with invited guests discussed the parameters of Khoni budget, necessity of creation of Gender Advisory Council at Khoni Sakrebulo. They spoke also about other issues – facts of pollution of environment and preventive activities.

Representatives of local government expressed readiness of cooperation.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


In Senaki, the first meeting of the Club of Women-Voters was held. Together with the Club members the meeting was attended by members of Sakrebulo Nana Alania and Inga Kardava.

Participants got acquainted with the goals, objectives and activities provided by the project "The active involvement of women in the political life of Georgia through democratization of electoral processes."

There was held a discussion of local programs. The meeting raised specific issues and, together with members of Sakrebulo all the possible ways of their solution were discussed.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


At the meeting of Ozurgeti Club of Voter Women there were discussed the standards that concern the personnel of kindergartens. The meeting was attended by representatives of kindergartens, who received information from the head of the association of kindergartens. The meeting was rather interactive, the participants received answers to all the questions asked.

At the meeting, information was heard that kindergarten No. 4 would be renovated. This issue was the subject of the club's advocacy - a written appeal was made with signatures.

Also there were meetings with representatives of different parties who received information about the work of the Club. The emphasis was on the need for cooperation between parties and the Club of Women Voters.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


The next meeting of the Club of Women-Voters was devoted to discussing the changes that are included in the social program of Batumi budget in 2017. Particular attention was sharpened on the funds allocated for persons with disabilities. The meeting was attended by a specialized teacher, who asked about advocacy of student of this category - such child does not receive benefits due to lack of information of the parent, which timely did not pass the necessary documents. The meeting elaborated advocacy plan of the problem, responsible group was created.

Also, a meeting was held with the leading party representative. The memorandum was signed, which will be directed to reflect the needs of women in budget programs and to increasing the number of women on party lists.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


Members of the Batumi Club of Voter Women, along with the lawyer of Batumi branch of the Association of Young Lawyers, talked about constitutional changes.

There were discussed the positive and negative aspects of the changes. The meeting also identified local issues that require advocacy. Ways of solving problems were outlined.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 

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