Advocacy is one of the segments during the prevention of violence, this is the theme of the newsletter of the Fund "Sukhumi" in August.

The word "advocacy" comes from the word "advocare" and means "call for change, their support."

As the publication states, advocacy is: to activity protect one's own and others' interests, actions in order to achieve change, influence public opinion, unite, support for implementation of changes

There are cases of successful and unsuccessful advocacy in the publication. There are also tips on what you should know before the start of the campaign.

The bulletin is published in the framework of the project "Strengthening of Women's Rights in Western Georgia".


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

When fund "Sukhumi” started to work on the stories of women peacemakers within the framework of Georgian-Abkhaz women’s joint peacemaking project, we were not fully aware how to form it. One thing we knew for sure – they would not be dry and impersonal stories about women and women’s organizations fighting for peace. Our main target was not only the provision of information, but also the motivation of new women groups to increase the rows of peacemakers.

As it turned out, there are numerous examples of confrontations, bloodshed and destruction. We see split-up societies, millions of refugee families. It is rather hard to find true life stories of women behind the dry reports of historians, Human Rights’ Defenders, and International Institution.

  Gradually, we started collecting the stories.

 The first one was the story of Malala Yusufzai- a girl from Pakistan, whom Thalibs tried to kill because of her thirst to freedom.

Then there was Sharm Thong from Burma – a sixteen year-old girl, whose evaluations were heard from the high UN tribune by the world authorities.

Mother Hawa from Galkayo was an ardent defender of refugee women.

Visaka Dharmadasa, whose story might be Familiar to mother, who lost their kids.

. . . And other names, who were defined by the one of the authors as "women, fighting until their last breath”.

This collection consists of only eight stories, different eight problems, faced by women of different age, social status, and race.

Our beneficiaries, groups of refugee women, had the possibility of getting acquainted with the collected stories. At one of our meetings, the oldest participant lady expressed the common idea, "Today I made sure that women all over the world are united by the similar problems. I have seen myself in these stories many times-I recognized my pain, my dreams. Honestly I felt envious toward the women who are brave, so true to their own nation.”

We hope that this spirit will be shared by those, who will read our collection of stories. It is only the first collection of women-peacemakers stories that will be enriched with new names and experiences.


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)
Gender Library of the Fund "Sukhumi" was replenished by brochure-handbook "Gender Approaches and differences." The brochure explains the concept of "gender", "gender mainstreaming". Also there are published definitions of gender indicators, gender differences in preschool.
The purpose of publishing is to give more information about the nature of gender. Brochure was published in frames of the project "Changing the policy of local authorities in gender budgeting."
The project  is implemented with the support of the Czech non-governmental organization
«The independent socio-environmental movement»


1The Fund “Sukhumi” prepared the research” “The role and involvement of representatives of medical institutions in the process of identifying, responding and referring violence against women and domestic violence”. It shows the attitude of the medical staff towards violence against women / domestic violence, their vision of the ways out and the recommendations developed as a result of the research.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

The fund “Sukhumi” published a book “Level of women security in Western Georgia” (printed version in Georgian and el-version in English and Russian).
This is a result of joined project ”Women define the level of human security for building confidence and stable peace” of the fund “Sukhumi (Kutaisi) and Association of Women of Abkhazia (Sukhumi). These women organizations applied the technique of Israel and Palestinian women, adapting it to the specific conditions, together developed a method of determining the level of human security and conducted surveys among women in their communities.
It is an attempt - to expand the boundaries of traditionally accepted understanding of the term "security" go in depths of the feelings and anxiety of women, who face daily threats of personal security.
The views and opinions reflected in the study are a reminder of the needs and threats that deserve respective attention and solution.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)
Research: “Women's participation in Geneva Peaceful Talks: problems, achievements and prospects” under the project: “Strengthening of women’s voices in the process of conflict transformation” was finished.
-Formation of public opinion regarding necessity of attracting more women in the process of peaceful regulation of conflict on national level and raising of civil society awareness, that women participation can have important role in building long-term peace.
In the process of research there were involved: public sector, representatives of state structures, who are connected with the issues of regulating the conflict. 8 respondents were inquired on a whole by the method of focus-group and 10 respondents in the form of in-depth interview.
Results of the research are gathered in one document.


Kutaisi  Ozurgeti  Senaki


The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

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The first publication of the Fund “Sukhumi” was "Women's Voice", a newsletter of small format, published at Kutaisi printing house on November 29, 2001. "Women's Voice" has been a periodical printed publication of the organization for years, with different print-run, which covered many directions of our work.

In parallel with magazines and newspapers, within different directions of its activities the Fund "Sukhumi" publishes reports, methodological handbooks, analytical articles, policy documents, manuals and guides.

Working with youth is one of the priority areas of the Fund "Sukhumi". The activities carried out by the organization, imply the provision of non-formal education to young people and the development their specific skills and competencies. It mainly pertains to promoting unacceptability of violence against women and spreading the culture of non-violence and tolerance, building capacity in conflict management and prevention, which is implemented with the active cooperation with the schools and educational institutions.

There is little space in the country that can be used by young people for informal education, communication and entertainment; this is a serious challenge in the regions, especially for the youth, living in villages.

Conflict Management Groups and Youth Clubs were functioning under the auspices of the Fund "Sukhumi" in 12 municipalities of Western Georgia for three years. On their basis, Youth Centers are created, which contribute to the development of youth, raising their leadership and creative capacities. In this regard, the Fund has extensive experience: under its leadership, the School of Leader Girls has functioned for many years, which has empowered and motivated many IDP girls and became a stepping-stone for their personal and professional growth and success.

It is proved that in the early age, young people develop archetypes of behavior that can affect both their life and society. Therefore, the Fund "Sukhumi" pays particular attention to work with youth, especially with boys - to contribute to the formation of non-violent behavior and self-awareness.

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