New youth initiative - online petition on the web page of Tskaltubo municipality

  • Monday, 27 June 2022
  • 471 times

The youth group of Tskaltubo Municipality City Council implemented a new initiative with the support of the mini-project announced within the sub-grants of the Fund "Sukhumi".

The "Online Petition" window is already operating on the website of the municipality.

Using the online petition, the citizens, from the age of 18, living in Tskaltubo can address the self-government and remind about their needs. The first petition has already been registered. The youth group members are the initiators.

It is symbolic that the petition calls for a youth initiative and provides 300 GEL assistance to successful students living in Tskaltubo municipality.

The petition was preceded by meetings with the representatives of the self-government, with the support of which it became possible to activate the mentioned platform.

The project envisaged meetings with the population, various groups of the community. The young people informed the population about the importance and benefits of the online petition.

With their support, it will become possible to establish this initiative in Tskaltubo municipality.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID


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