Our kindness has reached everyone

  • Friday, 24 March 2023
  • 413 times

The war in Ukraine further aggravated illness of Polina Minulina. From the day of arrival, our organization has helped a cancer patient in communication with doctors and in paying the required amount for a course of medical treatment. She was grateful, but unfortunately she died in March. The family faced an even bigger problem, and the Women Fund “Sukhumi” helped to pay for the cremation.

This is one example of our support.

Our information database contains the names and surnames of 470 refugees from Ukraine. This means that kindness of the Fund "Sukhumi" has reached everyone.

In March, 35 families received assistance (food, hygiene products) - 78 people. We paid utility bills for 6 families.

Ukrainians also actively participated in several events held in March.

On March 3, the cinema "Sakartvelo" (Georgia) hosted a charity screening of the film "Mariupolis 2". The received money was transferred to the organization “Kutaisi for Dnipro”.

On March 7, the final event of the campaign “Kutaisi for Dnipro” was held. 7 Ukrainians took part in the fair and presented their works. Everything was sold, and they were very pleased with the income and the fact that their products were advertised.

On March 8, Ukrainians living in Kutaisi took part in a solidarity action organized by the Fund “Sukhumi”.

During a month, psychological meetings were held for the people, who need this. Ukrainian psychologists also organized training for women on the issues related to violence.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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