Activities of Kutaisi initiative groups

  • Tuesday, 11 July 2023
  • 316 times

Kutaisi women initiative group starts to work on the problems identified as a result of the human security research. The members of the group will try to solve two acute and actual problems - to inform teenagers about the dangers of alcohol and drugs and to study the existing sub-programs in the municipality, as well as to advocate for another necessary program. The members of the group worked on the advocacy plan, outlined the activities, determined the responsible persons and deadlines. The members of the youth club talked about the project "Bullying and its types", discussed the challenges and skills they were able to develop within the project. Certificates of participation in the project were given to the young people. New members joined the club. They received information about the activities of the club and the Fund "Sukhumi". Public activities were held in order to bring the members closer.


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