10 families - 26 people from Ukraine

  • Monday, 24 July 2023
  • 295 times

- 76-year-old Temur Chogovadze from Kharkov, came with his son from his second wife. His wife died during Covid - tells psychologist Manana Gotsiridze. - He returned to his parents' house, he had a place to return, but for such long period the house was in bad condition, the roof let the rain through. We met him at his house. He has health problems. He was a pilot, lived in Ukraine all his life, receives a Ukrainian pension, but with interruptions, both father and son are often left without money. Neighbors help according to their possibility. Our organization also provides food and tax assistance.

This is one of the beneficiaries of the psychologist of the Women Fund "Sukhumi".

In July, psychological assistance was provided to 10 families - these are 26 refugees from Ukraine. All of them received humanitarian assistance with the necessary products. Two beneficiaries pass individual psychotherapeutic sessions - this is work with traumas, stress and the removal of negative emotions. Everyone who comes from Ukraine needs such assistance...

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)


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