Completion of the training course


The five-month training course has been completed in all ten municipalities.

Ways of peaceful conflict resolution, relationships between children and parents – these topics were discussed by the trainers together with the youth.

The young people actively discussed the topics, openly expressed their opinions and shared their own examples with the audience. They noted that skills of peaceful conflict resolution are necessary in life. It is also important to have open relationships with parents.

The youth received information about the final meeting in March, and also learned details of the grant project announced by the Fund “Sukhumi” for the training participants.

Despite the difficult situation, the trainings were held without interruption.

In March, the trainers of the Fund “Sukhumi” will see the results of five months of work.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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