Results of domestic violence, solutions and results - this topic gathered girls and boys at the Youth Club of the Fund "Sukhumi".
In the Women's Support Centre of Khoni there was held frank conversation. Young people brought interesting examples from the lives of their families.
At a meeting in the school of the village Koki they talked about economic issues, stereotypes, role of the family.
The meeting at school №4 of Poti was attended by 20 young people. They were actively involved in the debate and defended their positions.
In school №3 of Tskhaltubo the meeting was held for the first time, therefore, the participants received information about the Fund "Sukhumi" and work with youth.
The meeting, held in one of the collective centers of Kutaisi was attended by members of the new club. Discussion of the topic of domestic violence was held actively. The examples created frank atmosphere.
There were lot of participants in school №4 of Senaki. Interactive showed that students are less informed, so more time was given to the media.
The results were already visible at the meetings - changes in the considerations of young people in their vision and attitude towards the issue.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)