Five months of work with the youth - final meeting

  • Friday, 19 February 2021
  • 1275 times

“A very necessary project”, “You are really doing a big job”, “Training on these issues, should take place throughout Georgia”, “I am ready to cooperate”, “The conflict expert is already working in a second circle in our school. “Our school is always open for you", "Thank you very much for the work done", "We are waiting for you in Chokhatauri municipality, we promise to work actively"," We follow your work, and are delighted with your young people"- these and similar considerations were expressed or recorded in a chat during a meeting on the Zoom platform.

“Conflict Management and Violence Prevention” was the title of the meeting, which was prepared and led by the assistants of the youth direction of the Fund “Sukhumi”: Larisa (Lela) Shengelia, Nino Chabukiani and Beka Potskhveria. It was summarization of five month work in three directions: work in schools with Youth Clubs, Conflict Management Groups and Groups of the Boys.

The meeting was actively attended by the students involved in the project, as well as representatives of educational resource centers, Youth Departments of the City Halls and school administrations of target municipalities of Western Georgia - more than 70 people.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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