Forms of violence, legal mechanisms for the protection of the victim and stopping the rapist, conflict and its management – About 60 young people from the municipalities of Bagdati, Tsalenjikha and Vani were trained on these topics at an nline platform.
The meetings were interactive. The participants were given the opportunity to frankly discuss the issues of violence and conflict. Motivation, interest, active involvement was visible ...
Future activities were planned in order to share the knowledge gained with the teenagers.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)
Members of the youth centers of Samtredia, Tsalenjikha, Tkibuli, Vani and Bagdati municipalities actively participated in the discussions and openly spoke about the topics of conflict, violence and bullying, gave concrete examples, and named the reasons.
- Unfortunately, there are frequent cases of conflict and bullying in adults, and talking about such topics helps children not to become a victim, or vice versa - not to be Oppressors;
- Topics are very relevant and it is interesting to discuss them with you;
-I need to know how to manage conflict, protect myself and then I will not become a victim of bullying.
These were the opinions expressed by a group of young people at the end of the training. They are ready to talk about these topics with their peers, to introduce them to the situation management and defense mechanisms.
10 trainings with 223 young people selected from 10 municipalities were conducted in October.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)
Online meetings summarized the results of the five-month training course with the youth. On September 20, representatives of Kobuleti and Chokhatauri municipalities took part in the final meeting, and on September 22, the youth from Terjola, Samtredia and Bagdati municipalities.
The leaders of the Youth Centers made interesting presentations, and active discussions took place.
This was the assessment of one part of the participants:
“We are ready to continue close cooperation with the Fund“ Sukhumi”.
“We saw very active and capable young people who can talk with their peers on topical issues.”
“I saw how responsibly my daughter was preparing the task. She has become more active. "
"Through the presentations, the youth presented important topics in an interesting way
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)
“I knew that it was necessary to resolve the conflict, but I did not know how to do it peacefully. I knew I had to be tolerant, but I didn’t know how. ”
“At first I prepared to listen to the usual training, just for the sake of responsibility, but within three hours I was in a completely different world. That was the first impression. And these five months have grown in us not only a resource of informal knowledge, but also a better citizen”.
This is what talented young people from Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha and Senaki municipalities said at the final meeting and thanked the trainers of the Fund "Sukhumi": Nino Chabukiani, Larisa Shengelia and Beka Potskhveria for their successful work.
Relationships between children and parents, conflict and ways to resolve it, leadership skills - online trainings with youth clubs in Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha, Senaki, Chokhatauri, Kobuleti and Terjola were devoted to these topics.
The trainings included discussions, discussion of specific cases, frank conversations. Interesting topics were actively discussed by the participants. The training participants discussed the problems of generations, the stages of the conflict. One part of the youth expressed a desire that leadership should be taught as a school subject.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)
Based on the COVID situation, meetings with young people in Zugdidi, Kobuleti and Vani, were held offline and in other municipalities (Bagdati, Tsalenjikha, Senaki, Chokhatauri, Samtredia, Tkibuli, Terjola) trainings were held online.
The participants found interesting the following topics: possible results of conflict, types of behavior in conflict situation, early marriage, bullying...
Each participant is interesting with his opinions and differs from everyone else. They speak openly about problems, discuss the ways of their solution. During the trainings, the leaders express a desire to disseminate and transfer the gained knowledge and in the future they themselves become the authors of the initiated activities.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)
Meetings of the mixed-type were held with youth groups in June. 5 trainings were held in the first half of the month, the other five - in the second half.
An offline meeting was held in Samtredia - the participants were actively involved in the discussion, role - games.
There was no possibility of such activity, but online trainings with youth groups formed in Senaki, Vani, Terjola and Chokhatauri.
The trainings were interesting for the youth audience. The following topics were discussed: conflict management, reasons of domestic violence and protection mechanisms, types and forms of bullying.
There was a good trend in the groups: participants spoke by their own examples, analyzed situations and made the right conclusions.
With the assistance of representatives of the City Hall youth services and educational resource centers of Tkibuli, Zugdidi, Bagdati, Tsalenjikha and Kobuleti, the Fund “Sukhumi” conducted 5 trainings in youth centers on the topics of conflict escalation, reasons of domestic violence and cyber-bullying.
According the instructions of the trainers, the participants played role-games, which was followed with discussions and they expressed their opinions. The training revealed active young people, leaders who expressed a desire to carry out informational meetings. Some of them have already independently held a meeting and shared their experience with their peers.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)
Online trainings on: “Problems of tolerance among the youth. Conflict management. Bullying” were held with youth groups of Kobuleti, Tkibuli, Samtredia, Vani and Terjola.
All groups differ from each other, but they are united by the fact that they really like non-formal education, the issues that are discussed. All participants are motivated to get as much information as possible and learn new skills.
There are leaders, who successfully complete their "homework". In May, they held informational meetings with peers on the topics of tolerance, conflict and bullying. Similar meetings are continued ...