New shapes in the service of pre-school education

Under co-financing of local government and fund “Sukhumi” one more project began in Batumi, which will be implemented by Batumi GAC in partnership with the youth organization “Academy of Public Development”.
By the opinion of project authors service, chosen by them of pre-school gender education is too innovative in Georgia and is on the way of early education of development. Project idea was raised on the basis of researches conducted by the GAC, as there is a lack of teachers and parents in educational process and alienation of men from this process.
On the given phase there is held consultation with the unity of kindergartens, which welcomes beginning of the project and considers that the project will make noticeable share in development of pre-school gender education.
In the project there will be involved local qualified staff. Each of them has relevant education and experience. The project is also important by the fact that it will ensure employment of the local staff and promote to creation of working group.
The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Department of State


Last modified on Wednesday, 19 September 2018 12:50

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