Project title: Gender Advisory Councils – increasing women’s role in social changes of regions
Donor:UN Women Fund for Gender Equality
Project title: Gender Advisory Council - improved outlook, strengthening women's rights and good governance in the region.
Donor: U.S. State Department
Project title: “Change of the policy of local government regarding gender budgeting”
Donor: Czech non-governmental organization «The independent socio-environmental movement»
Project title: Strengthening women’s voices in decision-making
Donor: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland FDFA
Project title: Active involvement of women in political life of Georgia through democratization of election processes
Donor: U.S. Embassy, Georgia
Project title: To promote social and political non-violent conflict resolution among IDP communities of western Georgia, by training youth, including gender specific attitudes towards the matter
Donor: Canadian Embassy in Turkey
Project title: Improving the living conditions of women victims of violence and women of the risk groups. "Road to the Future".
Donor: The International Women’s Association Georgia (IWAG) Community Projects Committee (CPC)
Project title: Shadow Theater for Promoting Gender Equality
Donor: French embassy in Georgia
Project title:Learning from Visegrad 4 experience to advocate for equal, inclusive and democratic local governance
Donor: of the Visegrad Fund
Project title: Involvement of NGOs working on issues of social protection, in the strategic dialogue in Georgia
Donor: the Czech organization PIN - People in Need
Project title: Overcoming the consequences of war together
In partnership with DRA – German-Russian exchange
Project title: Strengthening of medical staff to protect the victims of domestic violence
Donor: The British Embassy Tbilisi
Project title: Step by step - we will build a peace without violence
Donor: NGO “Women for Development” (Armenia)
Project title: Strengthening the capacity of regional and local administrations in processes of localization of the National Action Plan 1325 The UN Security Council and activation of dialogue and the participation of women, including the most marginalized ones, in these processes.
Coalition unity - the Association of IDP Women “Consent” (Tbilisi), the Women's Information Center (Tbilisi) and Cultural - Humanitarian Fund “Sukhumi” (Kutaisi)
Donor: US State Department and UN Women Organization
Project title: Reinforcing the Domestic Violence Prevention System, Victims Support and Perpetrators Therapy System
Donor: HumanDoc foundation (Poland)
Project title: Women identify the level of human security to build confidence and sustainable peace
Donor: Kvinna till Kvinna, Swedish Women Fund