The ordinary meeting of the advisors’ council in Khoni


The local government of Khoni there was held an enlarged meeting of the advisors’ council, which was an agreement on the basic directions of the local action plan strategy for social inclusion. Adding new groups in kindergartens and pre-school facilities inventory, the social inclusion of elderly - a laundry service for the beneficiaries of "House of Charity", the purchase of the adapted transport for people with disabilities – mainly these issues were in the focus of participants.

Participants - members of the Council, representatives of various government services - thoroughly examined the necessary expenses for the programs, effect and resources of local budget for co-financing.

It was noted that all areas are important and cover the needs of the most vulnerable groups.

In the near future there is planned a training for those who wish to present a project.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 

Last modified on Monday, 11 June 2018 17:04

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