Terjola - informational Meeting on the Topic of Local Gender Strategy


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On March 27, representatives of the Fund Sokhumi held an information meeting in the Municipal Assembly (Sakrebulo) of Terjola with the participation of local active civil groups, as well as those responsible for gender policy in Tkibuli and Baghdati.

The main issues of the meeting were the guidelines of the document of the local gender strategy, which, upon completion of the project, will be presented to the society and local self-governments. The participants of the meeting listened to the information about the studies ordered by the Fund Sokhumi and the work performed under the project. They talked about local gender policy, mainstreaming and challenges.  Emphasis were placed on gender policy and experience of municipalities, the role of gender equality councils and the engagement of local self-government bodies.

"I'm glad that Terjola is hosting a discussion about the local gender strategy. We are ready to work actively to form a council of gender equality”, - said Nino Janelidze, the chairperson of the Municipal Assembly.

The meeting was held within the framework of the project “Learning from Visegrad 4 experience to advocate for equal, inclusive and democratic local governance”.

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund

Last modified on Monday, 11 June 2018 17:04

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