Meeting of the psychologist in Senaki WSC

Number of participants: 10 women from 22 to 60 years old.
Attended for the first time: 7 women
Topic of the conversation: aggression, its forms, typed and reasons.
Topics of the conversation with the lawyer: amendments to the law against domestic violence.
The issues were connected with each other. Aggression – way to domestic violence and the law, which was adopted in 2006, but there are still changes and amendments, as it is not a strong mechanism against violence.
The participants mentioned, that today our society is aggressive, that cruelty, anger, arrogance, jealousy, evil, cry - are symptoms of our communication. What can be changed? How? What women can do for this? - This is what was discussed at the meeting of the psychologist and lawyer in Senaki Women's Support Centre.
Women received not only new information but also practical advice and answers to questions that interest them.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Last modified on Saturday, 16 June 2018 10:59

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