Women Initiative Groups (112)

Women Initiative Group is a group of women, created in 2016 to prevent crisis and conflict situations, to advocate and solve local social problems related to the human security of women. The groups are established in Khoni, Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khurcha (Zugdidi municipality).


In Kutaisi, in the office of the Fund "Sukhumi" a round table was held on the topic: "Inclusive approaches to human security".

The meeting was attended by civil activists, representatives of NGOs and local state structures, moderators of Women's Initiative Groups of Kutaisi, Khoni and Tskaltubo.

In the first part of the meeting, they heard reports on how the Women's Initiative Groups worked in terms of advocacy of problems, how cooperation with local authorities took place.

At the meeting, it was announced that advocacy of social problems could improve human security in different groups of society, which was achieved by the active inclusion of various local structures in the process.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Women initiative groups are actively working to advocate problems. At the initiative of this group in Kutaisi, on Gugunava Street, the City Hall allocated a trash can - before that there was a landfill in this sector that threatened the health of the population. In Tskaltubo, the initiative group worked on a question that concerned the allocation of funds for the funeral of the deceased person, who had no relatives and friends.

In Khoni on the Freedom Square, the facades of a multi-storey building were repaired. The initiative group was actively involved in this process. Several letters were sent to the relevant services, meetings were held on the solution of the problems.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Members of Khoni Women's Initiative Group discussed their achievements in terms of advocacy of problems and cooperation with local authorities. According to the analysis of the letters received from the government, the participants revised the advocacy plan.

The moderator of the group presented a report on how the Youth Club "Gender Glasses", created within the initiative group, is working. According to their opinion, such a format is new for the teenagers of Khoni and, accordingly, the meetings are interesting.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Members of Kutaisi Women's Initiative Group got acquainted with the results of monitoring which was done last month. Based on the results, the action plan has been amended, which mainly deals with long-term problems.

The report of the moderator of the Women's Initiative Group showed the number of advocated and current problems, cooperation with local authorities.

At the meeting, they talked about the round table, which will be held in September. The round table will sum up the work done. The members of the Women's Initiative Group will familiarize the society with what has been done and what is planned to improve the level of human security in Kutaisi.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

The meetings of Women's Initiative Groups continue. Monitoring of last month showed the challenges that accompany the long-term advocacy of problems.

According to the members of the Women's Initiative Group of Tskaltubo, close elections to local government are the right time to solve social problems, and they use it effectively.

Cooperation with representatives of local self-government, with candidates for deputies, as well as meetings with the population-work in this direction continues actively. Members of the Women's Initiative Group of Tskaltubo are going to improve human security in this way.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Internal monitoring has shown that from January to the present day, by the organization of Kutaisi Women Initiative Group it became possible to advocate for 5 different problems.

Positively solved problems mean a rise in the level of issues of human security. In the process of advocacy in active mode, cooperation with local authorities took place.

The initiative group activated citizens living in different communities and included them in the advocacy process. Monitoring also showed that the decision of long-term problems passed to the next stage, and the members of the Women's Initiative Group constantly monitor the process.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


What was done, what was achieved, at what stage are the long-term problems, advocacy of which has already begun, for this purpose there was held a monitoring of the work of Women's Initiative Group of Tskaltubo.

From January until today, the group was able to advocate 5 problems. Monitoring showed that cooperation with the local authorities was active, since various structures were included in the advocacy process.

The problems concern different spheres, including infrastructural, social and individual issues, the solution of which contributes to improving the level of human security.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


The initiatives planned for the beginning of the year, which imply an improvement in the level of human security, were successfully implemented by the Women's Initiative Group. Monitoring showed that, in cooperation with the local authorities, there has been advocacy of 4 problems.

At this stage, actively considered the initiative set by the group to build a new public square in the city. According to the answer, which came from the administration of the municipality, the necessary amount will be taken into account in the next year's budget. The members of the group are actively involved in advocating the process, and will monitor the solution of the long-term problem. According to internal monitoring, it turns out that the image of the initiative group has increased - this is expressed by the growing appeal of citizens to it.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

Information about the work of Khoni Women Initiative Group is printed in the monthly newspaper "Khoni" - such a message was announced by the moderator of the initiative group.

At the meeting, they talked about the process of advocacy.

- Official replies to the letters sent to the local government have already been received. One question concerns the pedestrian crossing “zebra”, and the second one concerns the construction of a new public garden in the city. Both issues are very important for the safety of citizens. Local authorities are ready to consider and support these initiatives, "the moderator noted.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


Khoni Women initiative group of the Fund "Sukhumi" received a plasma TV from the donor organization "Orbeliani Sakartvelo". According the project, on the basis of the Khoni Children's Library a teenagers club "Gender eyeglasses" was created. Members of the club will meet monthly, films will be shown and discussions will be held with a gender perspective. It is planned to invite successful women and other activities.

This idea appeared at one of the meetings of the Women Initiative Group, which was then continued by the search for donors and the development of the project. According to the members of the group, informing adolescents on gender issues in this format will significantly reduce the risk of violence against women in society and will promote the introduction of gender equality.

The project is implemented with the support of  Kvinna till Kvinna,
womens Foundation (Sweden)

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