How did the impact of the pandemic affect family relationships? What problems do married couples have, and what resources are available for early prevention of domestic conflicts? - these issues have been discussed online with family couples living in Terjola, Senaki, Kutaisi, Khoni.
The participants believe that conflict situations are exacerbated by unemployment and psychological tension. As they say, the adaptation period was especially difficult for primary school students, who found it difficult to switch from an online format to attending lessons at school.
It was noted that a conflict situation could arise in any family. Such meetings, communication, and raising awareness on these topics reduce confrontation between couples and help prevent conflict.
They are already leaders, as they conduct the activities of Women Support Centers in 11 municipalities. They attended many trainings, but teaching and learning is never superfluous. Therefore, a two-day training was held for the mobilizers of the Women Support Centers, where they discussed topical topics: the phenomenon of leadership, civic activism, advocacy strategy.
The online space has become a platform for the participants to share their knowledge and information. They saw leadership, teamwork and advocacy issues in a new prism.
“Schools against challenges of gender equality, gender stereotypes and domestic violence” - a new publication - this publication was prepared by the monitoring and advocacy group of the Fund “Sukhumi” last year. It reflects the results of a research, carried out in 11 municipalities of Western Georgia. Active work is underway to implement targeted policies in schools against gender stereotypes.
In this process, our partner is the newspaper "New Education", which has been published once a week since 1998, and is distributed among subscribers - in schools and universities of Georgia, as well as in government and non-government organizations working in the field of education. An even wider audience is covered by the online version of the newspaper.
The Fund "Sukhumi" has 10 Women Support Centers in Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Terjola, Senaki, Poti, Zugdidi, Ozurgeti, Lanchkhuti and Kobuleti municipalities. The mobilizers of the centers have renewed their work - despite the difficult epidemiological situation, online and offline meetings were held. Specialists of the organization - a lawyer, a psychologist, a conflict expert - were actively involved in these meetings.
“Involving parents in school life - cooperation in activities against gender stereotypes and violence” - a meeting of round format was held on this topic. Among the participants there were students, parents, teachers, representatives of different spheres of society.
They got acquainted with the publication of the Fund "Sukhumi" - “Schools against challenges of gender equality, gender stereotypes and domestic violence”. They talked about the dangers of gender discrimination, about cooperation between teachers and parents in terms of protecting young people from violence. They touched upon the problems caused by the covid-19 pandemic and their solutions. The discussed issues were relevant for all participants, and the meeting was active. Information about the round table was published in the newspaper "New Education".
In January, 6 online group meetings of psychologist and lawyer were held for the beneficiaries of the Women Support Centers from Khoni, Senaki, Tskaltubo, Kobuleti, Khurcha(Zugdidi municipality), Pakhulani (Tsalenjikha municipality) - 35 people from 28 to 67 years old took participated.
The conversation was about how to manage negative emotions, and why it is so important in the situation of pandemic and domestic violence.
Couples and individual beneficiaries from different regions of Western Georgia also receive psychotherapeutic and legal consultation. This free service, is a great assistancefor them.
Since 2001, Fund “Sukhumi” actively works on issues of domestic violence against women, though raising awareness of population and promoting zero tolerance against domestic violence. A rehabilitation Day Center for Victims of Violence functions under the aegis of the Fund "Sukhumi", where victims of violence are provided psychological assistance, legal advice, professional courses and assisted in further employment.
Through systematic monitoring, the organization studies and analyzes the effectiveness of legal and social protection mechanisms against domestic violence, assesses the quality of provided services by the actors of the referral system and level of their coordination.
Fund “Sukhumi” also assesses the quality of existing support services for the victims of domestic violence and how they meet the needs and priorities of the beneficiaries. All findings and recommendations are reflected in the reports and policy documents of the organization and communicated to different stakeholders and decision-makers at the local and national level. The “Women Support Centers” established by the Fund “Sukhumi”, are constantly collecting information about local problems and needs, mobilizing and informing citizens, and engaging them in the advocacy process.