The members of the women initiative group of the village Pakhulani of Tsalenjikha municipality developed an advocacy plan based on the problems identified as a result of the research. One of the priority issues in Tskoushi community was the renovation of the sports ground. It was revealed that there is no appropriate infrastructure and it does not meet modern standards. During the meeting, the members of the women's group discussed the activities that should be implemented in the future.

Work of Tskaltubo Initiative Groups

  • Tuesday, 11 June 2024
  • 255 times

Tskaltubo youth groups implemented mini-projects on the theme of peace. All activities were aimed at popularizing peace issues and increasing the role of young people. The activities gave the participants an opportunity to get more information about Abkhazia and Georgian-Abkhazian relations. They discussed what they can do for peace, expressed their opinions in different ways and reminded the society of the priority of this topic. The women's group was also active. Members worked on an advocacy plan. The issues identified as a result of the research were selected as problems. 

Women Fund "Sukhumi" organized a training with young people on the topic: "Mediation as a Ritual of Reconciliation" in school of the village Didinedzi of Zugdidi Municipality. The importance of mediation, conflict management and development of necessary skills - this was the aim of the training. In the first part, the participants talked about the historical role of mediation, drawing a parallel with today. The second part, the thematic block was devoted to the essence of mediation and a detailed discussion of the skills that a mediator should possess. In the third, practical part, the participants improved the theoretical material with role-playing games. Young people rated the training as timely and effective. The members of Didinedzi women initiative group spoke about the issues that have been resolved and those that need to be resolved in the community. The problem of drainage canals was revealed, as crops and plants are damaged during heavy rains. The women initiative group discussed the elaboration of an advocacy plan.

Women Fund Sukhumi's Tbilisi office representative, Ekaterine Gamakharia, was selected to participate in the Regional Training of Trainers on the Women, Peace, and Security and Humanitarian Action (WPS-HA) Compact in Istanbul, Turkey, on June 5-6. This event, organized by the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) and the OSCE WIN Project, brought together women peacebuilders and mediators from Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and the South Caucasus.

On June 5, Ekaterine took part in a subregional meeting for South Caucasus women peacebuilders, where she engaged with OSCE and GNWP representatives to discuss the current situation in Georgia. She focused on the challenges posed by the "Foreign Agent Law" and its impact on women's participation, particularly for women peacebuilders. On June 6, during the hybrid event "Advancing Women’s Leadership in Women, Peace, and Security and Humanitarian Action: Assessing Progress and Charting the Way Forward," Ekaterine addressed regional progress and future strategies to ensure effective women's participation and leadership. The forum was attended by officials from the OSCE, UN Women, and the European Union.

The members of the youth group of the village Koki - Zugdidi municipality completed their work on the mini-project: "Hello, Abkhazia!", within the framework of this project various activities were carried out - a discussion on the topic of peace, meeting with peers, showing and analyzing a film. The aim of the project was to popularize the topic of peace. The members of the women initiative group worked on the topic of advocacy. The participants discussed the named problems. An advocacy plan was developed, according to which the group members will try to implement the process effectively.

In May, interesting work was going on in all six courses (Georgian language, English, acting, photography and videography, polymer clay modeling, embroidery).

A new group of photo and video shoots was completed at the end of May. In May, a new modeling group started training. Children are very talented and have unusual vision, imagination, and skills. Maxim Belov, for example, creates incredible characters that he invents himself.

Participants in Georgian and English language courses are gradually improving their results. They read well, pronounce specific sounds, make sentences, and conduct dialogues.

In May, the psychologist also worked actively, according to plan. Conversations were held with children on the following topics: predicting feelings, managing emotions, empathy, etc. 9 group and 10 individual meetings were held.

The main thing that the project serves is a friendly atmosphere that can be felt in all courses. Children help each other, worry when someone is sick....

On May 26, all children participated in an event dedicated to the Day of Independence of  Georgia. They presented their works made during the modeling and embroidery courses, as well as their drawings. And participants in acting art courses read poetry in Georgian.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN


May 26 – Independence Day of Georgia. The Women Fund “Sukhumi” organized a celebration of this day at the Hotel “Argo”. Everything was impressive: a greeting from the leaders of the organization, a documentary film about Georgia, a performance by the puppet theater “turtledove”, the dance studio “Oasis”, which was founded in Kutaisi by a Ukrainian woman, songs and dances performed by Ukrainian and Georgian children, a singer and composer from Kyiv, a poetess from Berdyansk , beautiful cakes for birthday girls.

All participants were awarded with certificates of gratitude.

Group of children (from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia) take various courses at the fund “Sukhumi”. Photos were displayed in the foyer showing the work of all the courses, handmade things from polymer clay, the participants of the acting courses performed at the concert.

The event began with the Georgian national anthem and ended with the song “Mravaljamier”.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN

Women Fund “Sukhumi” hosted a meeting, which was attended by members of the initiative group involved in the project. These are women and girls from different IDP communities (former clinical hospital, former technical college and residential houses located on Shervashidze street No. 58).

The meeting participants are ready to share the knowledge and experience, gained at the trainings and meetings, with people living in their communities and start to solve existing problems.

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

For successful advocacy

  • Sunday, 26 May 2024
  • 249 times

A working meeting was held at the office of the Women Fund "Sukhumi", which was attended by the members of the initiative group - IDPs from various collective centers of Kutaisi.

Group members try to use the skills acquired during the training and are motivated to solve their problems. According to them, the project empowered each participant and convinced them of their own abilities. All this is a necessary condition for the successful implementation of the advocacy process.

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

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