On 11 March, the EUMM Mtskheta Regional Office on Human Security has organized an information-sharing meeting dedicated to women’s leadership in conflict-affected communities and in local governments, the importance of their activism, challenges, and opportunities for their participation in the decision-making process. The meeting was attended by the representatives of the EUMM, as well as other international organizations accredited in Georgia and civil society organizations.
Ekaterine Gamakharia, the representative of Fund “Sukhumi” Tbilisi office highlighted the challenges and barriers that hinder women’s meaningful participation in the decision-making process and the obstacles that prevent IDP and conflict-affected to be engaged in advocacy of their own concerns. She emphasized the need to empower IDPs and conflict-affected women especially those living close to the conflict dividing line, to raise their awareness, build their capacity and develop a strong civil society in the field. She has also drawn attention to the importance of active communication, exchange of information, and cooperation between international organizations, civil society organizations, and community leaders.
Ekaterine Gamakharia, Head of the Tbilisi Representative Office of the Fund "Sukhumi" has participated in a meeting organized by the Association “Peaceful and Business Caucasus”. The meeting was dedicated to the situation of the fire-affected population in Gali district. The representative of Fund “Sukhumi” has made a presentation and informed meeting participants about key findings and urgent needs of fire-affected population reflected in the organization’s recently published rapid-assessment report.
The meeting was attended by the civil society organizations working on the issues of IDPs and conflict-affected population, representatives of the de jure authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, and the fire-affected persons.
The response strategies and actions of joint efforts were actively discussed during the meeting.
The Fund "Sukhumi" in partnership with the Association "Peaceful and Business Caucasus" and with the support of the USAID is implementing the project “Bridging the Gap: People to People Initiatives for Conflict Resolution”.
The project has been actively started since February and includes civil, educational, medical and economic areas.
Numerous activities are planned during two years on both sides of the conflict dividing line. Youth clubs and councils will be established in 11 municipalities, trainings and meetings will be held, exchange programs will be organized, small grants will be funded, etc.
All of these activities are based on a trilateral strategy: overcoming mistrust through personal contacts, identifying common topics, finding and supporting ways of reconciliation.
The project is implemented with the support of the USAID
"Young leaders for peace, tolerance and non-violent culture" - this is the name of new project of the Fund "Sukhumi".
First of all, schools and participants under the age group envisaged in the project - pupils of the eighth-eleventh grades were selected.
The project includes 8 schools of Kutaisi, Zugdidi and Tsalenjikha municipalities.
At the first stage of the work envisaged the survey on: how tolerant, sociable and peaceful adolescents are and how they contribute to the formation of a non-violent culture.
Fifty questionnaires are filled in, they are in the process of adaptation and in parallel, preparation for the next project activities is underway.