კლუბები (151)

Verbal and nonverbal communication and its importance in the prevention of violence - these topics were held during informational meetings in youth clubs.
November 3 - Youth Club gathered in school №12 of Poti. Young people had a lot of questions. The interest was great, and they were actively involved in the discussion. School self government got interested in the work of the Fund and promised to often host club members.
November 8 - informational meeting was held at the Women's Support Centre of Kutaisi. 2 of 11 participants attended the first time. Young people talked a lot about communication and virtual social networks. During the discussion there were made examples of proper communication, when the situation does not extend to the conflict.
November 11- Khoni WSC there were 10 attendants. Most of them participated in such meeting for the first time. Therefore, for them all the questions were new. They were less active, but they had a great desire to cooperate. Participants noted that in such activities they feel free space.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


In Ozurgeti there was held a meeting of the Club of Voter Women, which was attended by the women – representatives of different spheres. They met Tamar Dumbadze – chairperson of the social service of Ozurgeti. According to her, unfortunately there is lack of information among population, majority of them do not know anything about social programs.
It was new for the participants that beneficiaries, who have scores up to 150 000 can get assistance in amount of 150 GEL. There is also a program, in frames of which social service puts 30% of funding for operation.
Meeting participants received answers on lots of questions, which were interesting for them.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


When there comes new family member, she comes from other house, other family, where there are other rules and values, because of this, the women unfortunately often deny their values and obey to the others, in order not to cause conflicts in family. Majority choose to obey and thus they solve problems, workshops with the women were held on the background of discussing concrete examples.
The participants remembered lot of examples from their lives. Their common point of view is the following: refusing from everything – is a violence. Vice versa – the woman should become strong inside, in order to regulate conflicts.
Participants mentioned that young women are more courageous and they can protect their rights .
Workshops were held in Khurcha, Tskhaltubo, Senaki.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


On the information meetings of the youth clubs the main issue of discussion was domestic violence, as the problem of society.
On September 29, in school of Koki (Zugdidi Municipality) the meeting was participated by 17 pupils. There were also guests from Germany – representative of our donor organization and the volunteer of the fund “Sukhumi”.
There were interesting, open discussions, fixing of own attitude towards the traditions and legislation. By the words of club members, this was the most interesting meeting for the last period.
On October 1, there was a meeting in school No1 of Tskaltubo. Out of 17 participants, the most active were the boys. They gave examples from their lives, teachers also were involved in the discussion. The conversation touched stereotypes of thinking, traditions, which in most cases abrogate women’s rights.
On October 5, meeting of the youth club in Khoni was held in the WSC. The problem of domestic violence was discussed by open dialogue. The youth is interested in this issue and looks for the ways of problem solution.
In school No1 of Senaki the youth club gathered on October 6. Inter-activ created good working atmosphere. They spoke about traditions, stereotypes and their negative influence. The pupils were actively involved in the discussion.
The informational meeting in school No6 of Kutaisi was attended by 10 people. The members of the youth clubs are informed in the issues of domestic violence and they gave interesting exampled during the discussion.
Last informational meeting of this month was held on October 12 in the school No5 of Poti. There were 23 participants. They got interested in the activities of the youth club. In this school there are held lessons in civil education, teacher-specialist, lawyer and pupils have information regarding domestic violence. They gave live examples and the meeting was interesting.
 The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


In September first three meetings of the youth clubs were held in Tskaltubo, Kutaisi and Khoni. Some young people participated in the meetings for the first time.
Topics: creation of the gender society. Law and reality. Situation in Georgia in aspect of gender violence.
Young people spoke about familiar issues, particularly about meaning of tradition. To their opinion some negative traditions promote to ruining families, to gender violence.
There were interesting active discussions. There was an interest towards the topics and free space, which positively effects on development of the youth. This is the concrete results of fund “Sukhumi” activities.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


On August 4, ordinary meeting of the Club of Voter Women was held in the Fund “Sukhumi”. The attendants heard information regarding the work of Gender Advisory Council.
Afterwards, traditionally there were raised problems existing in the city, advocacy of which was decided. It was decided to send a letter in the Minister of Healcare, regarding problem of insurance.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


"Communication is one of the important tools for solving the conflict. I was convinced in this today especially. "
"We live in the age of information and communication and must learn how to apply the necessary quality."
"The technique of communication should be filtered, and all this happens during the meetings”.
Similar opinions were made by girls and boys who gathered at the information meeting in the Women's Support Centers of Tshalutbo, Kutaisi, Khoni, Poti, Senaki, as well as in the school in the village Koki (Zugdidi Municipality).
The meeting focused on the importance of verbal and nonverbal communication in prevention of violence. Number of participants exceeded 70 persons, some of them attended for the first time.
Specifics of the meetings:
Special was interest to the subject, examples of successful communication, learning new skills, active discussions and a desire to continue the conversation.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Ordinary meeting of the Club of Kutaisi Women Voters was held in the Center of Democratic Engagement of Kutaisi.
Representatives of different governmental structures were invited, there were discussed ways of solution of different problems advocated by the club in direction of social and health care.
Joint work of representatives of government and civil society once again proved its effectiveness.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Three more meetings of the youth clubs discussed the issue of trafficking as one of the types of violence.
The meetings were held in the Women Support Centers of Khoni, in public schools No7 of Poti and village Koki (Zugdidi Municipality).
Migration of the women  and the issues of trafficking is more or less falimiar for the young people, but the meetings gave each of them concrete and necessary information.
The conversation touched statistics, law against trafficking, and mechanisms of protection.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


The ordinary meeting of the Club of Voter Women of Senaki was attended by the ative members of the club, also the members of Senaki Municipality Sakrebulo and Gender Advisory Council. The meeting raised several problems of road rehabilitation on Mother Street, gasification of several districts of the city, also absence of sewage system. Journalist Tako Arziani raised the issue of single assistance for socially unprotected families.
The Club members will try their best in envisaging elaborated suggestions in city budget.
Members of Sakrebulo – Dinara Khukhua mentioned that the issues are actual and they will be discussed and solved.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Social Networks