Trainings (104)

Training is one of the types of interactive learning. The category reflects the trainings conducted in frames of the projects, as well as participation of the Fund “Sukhumi” staff in the trainings of other organizations.


First phase of accounting courses in Terjola was finished (funded by the Czech organization PIN).

The participants studied to preserve and protect existing documents, to fill, carry and handle primary accounting documents.

The courses are held in two groups, each group consist of 15 people. Activities will be continued until the end of the month.


The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)



Computer courses and sewing courses are in the active phase in frames of the project “promotion of professional development of Tskaltubo youth”.

This component of the project gained broad response from the side of local population, as similar courses are not available financially. For the given period the courses of sewing are attended by 8 young people and computer courses by 15 ones.


The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)


The first stage of computer courses in Terjolawas finished. Participants received the following phases: the basics of the Windows operating system, the basics of using Word text processor, text editing, text layout, printing and much more.


The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)


Within the frames of the project "Contributing to the professional development of young people in Tskhaltubo" there was conducted training on "professional orientation and self-presentation of the youth." The training was attended by high school students, who were informed, how to choose the right profession and what is the importance of career planning.

The young people learned how to write resumes, how to write a cover letter and what skills are needed in order to successfully pass an interview with the employer.

The training was held against a background of intense debate and maximum inclusion of participants. At the end of the meeting it was noted that such training is necessary for teenagers, to look differently on their future career and to determine how to choose a profession.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)


From March 31 to April 3 in Borjomi there was held a training with participation of local self-government of 8 cities – Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Senaki, Poti, Zugdidi, Ozurgeti and Batumi. The topic of training – “Prevention of domestic violence and assistance of the victim, issues of self-government competence”.

The training discussed following issues: gender and gender violence, mechanisms of legal reaction on facts of domestic violence, state structures – participants of the activities, held against domestic violence and their competence, participation of local government in the activities, directed against domestic violence, rights of victims of domestic violence, guarantees of their social and legal protection.

At the end of the training there were elaborated gender action [plans in the regions, relevant activities were planned, tasks, indicators and responsible persons were identified.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Fund “Sukhumi” started to implement the project “Development of the Youth on the new Step”. There will be held courses of professional re-training for the youth from socially unprotected families, who are the participants of the project. They will learn: accounting, computer skills, small business management. On March 15 there was held the first lesson in accounting. The courses will be given to 2 groups with 15 persons per each.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)


Czech organization “People in Need” funded the project of the fund “Sukhumi”. The project includes the youth from socially unprotected families and envisages availability of professional trainings, accounting, computer skills, small business management.

This will contribute to more possibility of employment and improvement of social background of the families. The project is implemented in Terjola - youth center.

On March 10 the first lesson of computer class began. The courses will be passed by 2 groups, 15 people per each.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)


Mobilizers of WSCs gathered in the fund “Sukhumi” for two-day training. On February 62-27 they worked on the issues of writing and design the project.

First day of the training was devoted to the principles of project writing – name of the project, describing the aims, problems, defining risks, list of activities.

The second day was practical work – mobilizers elaborated small projects for all 6 Women Support Centers (Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Senaki, Poti, Khurcha).


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


On the initiative of Gamgeoba, of Senaki Municipallity and fund “Sukhumi” trainings on: “Gender and gender violence” were held in Senaki.

On February 17, pupils of private and public schools gathered in Gamgeoba. The topic of training was new and interesting to them. There were used thematic excercises, role games.

Training will promote to correct explanation of gender equality and formation of non-violent awareness.

On February 18, discussion of the topic was continues in the hall of Sakrebulo. The audience was represented by chairpersons of administrative units of Senaki municipality and members of Sakrebulo.

The participants especially noted preventive mechanisms of violence, remembered real histories, how did they regulate domestic conflicts. At the end of trainings there were elaborated recommendations with the aim of violence prevention and victim assistance.


  The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
On December 21-22 in Borjomi the chairpersons of the fund “Sukhumi” and staff – assistants of the project, lawyers, psychologists, mobilizers. They participated in training, where there was elaborated the strategy of organization for 2016-2020.
Format of the training – interactive, discussions, work in the groups.
The work was held very fruitfully – mission and directions of the organization should be updated, also strong and week sides, goals and objectives.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


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