Two online meetings were held with women initiative groups. The meeting was attended by representatives of local self-government. They heard the information about the problems that the groups are going to advocate. Representatives of the local government promised to provide assistance in the advocacy process, since the problems identified by the group are also actual for them.

Women initiative groups will start an advocacy campaign, and the youth initiative group will start a small project. During online meeting, the team members again reviewed and discussed the projects and the work plan to be implemented.

The project is implemented with the support of the USAID

Khoni working group is actively working according to its plan. During the next online meeting, the members of the group considered the issues identified as a result of the monitoring. It was noted that one more recommendation has been implemented: City Council has established specific days for receiving citizens - 2 days a week, which had not happened before. This order was posted on the official website of the municipality.

The meeting also discussed the Code of Ethics. It was noted that Knoni municipality would adopt a code of ethics based on a permanent order and not on a single decree. Until the next meeting, the members of the group will work in an active consultation mode.


The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

Another civil society organization, “People and Freedom”, has been established in Vani municipality. Like other new organizations, it also took part in a grant competition and implemented a three-month project “Informed Youth”.

As a result of the project, a youth initiative group was formed and equipped with the appropriate skills in Salkhino community. Young people know a lot about the role of government and e-services. They identified the needs of young people and provided recommendations to the local government. The initiative group is actively working with the local community to promote the use of online services.


The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

“Vani - XXI century” - this civil society organization in Vani municipality registered a few months ago with the support of the Fund “Sukhumi”, and within the framework of our project has already implemented a small project “Informed Village Population”.

The result is obvious: certain groups living in the administrative units of Vani, Zeda Vani, Chkvishi and Zeindari were provided with information on public administration reform, on the importance of using e-services.

The project participants got acquainted with the main directions of the municipality's website. They have the opportunity, to cooperate with the local government in case of necessity, to receive and provide information, to be involved in the activities of the local government.


The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

It all started like this:

Our partner civil society organizations created a youth initiative group In Bagdati municipality in frames of a small project. With the support of the Fund "Sukhumi", this group was formed into a non-governmental organization and became known as "Solidarity - XXI".

Then the new organization independently took part in the grant competition, and the commission approved their small project “Know your rights for a better future”.

Young people started the activities of the project: informing of mothers with many children, single parents and youth, regarding the issues of public administration reform.

The results of the three-month project (May 10 - August 10) are following: the youth participating in the information meetings actively disseminate information in their communities. The level of use of e-services of local self-government has increased.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

The fourth monitoring of the roadmap of public administration reform and citizens’ needs research has been completed in Ozurgeti municipality. The working group held a meeting in the City Council meeting room of Ozurgeti municipality. Representatives of local civil society organizations spoke about the results of the work carried out. The meeting took place in an active atmosphere. The participants put questions, to which the competent answers were given.

The work is carried out in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

The research: “Needs Assessment of Women and Youth according to the Gender Responsive Early Warning System (GREWS)” was carried out in 6 municipalities (Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Senaki, Tsalenjikha, Zugdidi),

This system is an important tool for early response to the society's problems in terms of improving the quality of human security.

1024 people took part in the quantitative research, in addition, 24 focus group meetings and 24 in-depth interviews were held.

In July Women Initiative Groups developed advocacy plans, and advocacy campaigns based on identified needs are planned in August – September.

Another course completed lessons on working with polymer clay in the day rehabilitation center of the Fund "Sukhumi". At the final meeting, the participants presented the work created during the training period, talked about themselves, their results and their experience both in terms of professional development and in terms of communication. The presentation was impressive and was highly appreciated by the representatives of the Fund "Sukhumi".


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Useful, creative, timely...

According to the participants, the training was of such kind, where the trainers told about methods of communication and PR and raising awareness to representatives of civil society organizations in 8 municipalities.

Despite the online format, the participants were actively involved in the training process. For them, the information presented on the background of practical examples on topical issues turned out to be important: defining the target audience, planning and managing effective communication, managing the web page and social media.


The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

Social Networks