What skills are necessary to overcome the contradictions in the relationship, how to create a culture of peace in the society, what is the role and mission of the youth in this issue. - The members of Koki youth group mainly talked about these issues. The members of Koki women initiative group distributed the duties and responsibilities. The women started a research "Assessment of the quality of human security of the population".

During the meeting held with the members of the women initiative group, the participants were informed about the start of the quantitative research "Assessment of the quality of human security of the population". Tasks were distributed among group members, after which people of different ages and professions were asked to send questions online. The members of the youth initiative group summarized the activities carried out according to the peace strategy. At the meeting, they once again noted the role of young people in the peace process and planned new events.

Peace, peace building, peace negotiations - training on these issues was held with the youth group of the village Didinedzi - Zugdidi municipality. With an interactive mode, on the background of the discussion, the participants analyzed what is needed to achieve peace and what is the role of young people in these processes. They understood what negotiation is, what segments are necessary and important to envisage for the proper conduct of the negotiation process.The whole group was actively involved in the training with the help of role-playing games. A meeting of the women initiative group was held within the framework of the 16-day campaign against gender-based violence. Didinedzi women and youth groups held many events and actions within the campaign. Wall newspapers, slogans, video clips were prepared, films were shown on the topic of violence, a survey was conducted on the role of women in social and political activities. Men also joined the action. School pupils, members of the Forum Theater, presented mini-plays against violence. The main goal is to raise awareness and reduce violence against women.

Training for women's organizations

  • Tuesday, 19 December 2023
  • 310 times

The Women's Fund 'Sukhumi' organized practical training for representatives of women's civil society organizations in Western Georgia. The training, led by Ekaterine Gamakharia, Head of the Tbilisi office of the Women's Fund 'Sukhumi,' focused on the theme 'Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence in War and Post-War Settings.

During the training, participants acquired knowledge about common forms of gender-based violence in times of war and conflict. The session also involved discussions on the direct and indirect impacts of armed or violent conflicts on women, girls, and other vulnerable groups.  Throughout the training, participants actively shared their personal experiences during the post-war period and engaged in discussions about strategies crucial for the effective protection of women from violence.

The training was organized by the WAVE network, including the 'Crisis Center for Victims of Sexual Violence' in Yerevan, Armenia; the Women's Fund “Sukhumi” in Kutaisi and Tbilisi, Georgia; and the 'United Women's Foundation Banja Luka' in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. They utilized a training module based on the 2022 toolkit “Preventing and responding to gender-based violence in war and post-war settings: experiences and recommendations of women's NGOs.”

The guide is available at the following link: https://wave-network.org/toolkit-prevention-response-gbv-war/?fbclid=IwAR03LQ8QeKi3hM6de-O3nugIL8RdShWbYQ76tAA48o2YRefI4PY65ZVwwxg

At the traditional December meeting of Khoni Youth Club, the members discussed the activities carried out within the framework of 16-day campaign against gender-based violence and planned future activities. The head of Kutaisi violence victim service of the State Care and Assistance Agency for Victims of Trafficking met the members of the first group of women in Khoni. Representatives of the City Hall and City Council and members of the Gender Council attended the meeting together with the women. Nino Khonelidze informed the audience about the existence of shelters and crisis centers for victims of violence, their functioning, and in general, the problems of violence victims. As for the second women initiative group of Khoni, they discussed the activities carried out within the framework of the 16-day campaign against violence and planned the activities to be implemented in the future.

The women initiative group of the village Koki - Zugdidi municipality summarized the activities carried out within the framework of the 16-day campaign against gender-based violence during December meeting. The meeting was attended by the coordinator of the department for the protection of children’s rights of Zugdidi City Hall and the representative of the social and health service. They presented information about local programs. As for the youth initiative group, they were trained on the topic of peace and peace negotiations. The participants participated in the training through role-playing games and talked about what is necessary for the successful conduct and conclusion of the peace negotiations.

Leadership training for women IDPs

  • Saturday, 09 December 2023
  • 315 times

Training on the topic “Women’s leadership, self-presentation, public speech” was held in Senaki, in the IDP village.

Leaders and women activists from 15 different homeowners’ associations took part in the training. They were given information about leadership qualities and important skills that are necessary for the leader.

The second part was even more interesting - about self-presentation and public speech.

The participants actively participated in the discussion of the topic with their stories and practical examples. According to them, the training was useful, and the knowledge gained will be reflected in their practical activities.

The work is carried out in partnership with the Center “Abkhazeti” within the framework of the project “Support of the conflict transformation in the South Caucasus and Moldova”.

The members of Senaki youth group were actively involved in the 16-day international campaign. At their initiative, an information meeting was held on the topic: early marriage and its consequences, an action was held in the IDP settlement, a film screening and discussion was prepared. Club members distributed thematic flyers and information leaflets. The women initiative group was also actively involved in the campaign. At their initiative, two workshops were held on the topic: family conflicts and their management, victim support services. The members of the group reminded the public that violence against women is a crime.

 In the framework of the 16-day campaign against gender-based violence, the Fund "Sukhumi" continues free medical examinations and consultations for women. Within the framework of the campaign, with the support of the City Hall of Tsalenjikha Municipality, and as part of the state program, the Women's Health Center LTD "Hera" carries out cancer screening. The free screening includes: breast cancer screening for the ages of 40 to 70, examination by a radiologist or mammologist; mammographic examination. Examinations were held for women living in the municipality. Tamar Belkania, the deputy Mayor of Tsalenjikha municipality observed the process.

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