The members of the youth group of the village Koki - Zugdidi municipality completed their work on the mini-project: "Hello, Abkhazia!", within the framework of this project various activities were carried out - a discussion on the topic of peace, meeting with peers, showing and analyzing a film. The aim of the project was to popularize the topic of peace. The members of the women initiative group worked on the topic of advocacy. The participants discussed the named problems. An advocacy plan was developed, according to which the group members will try to implement the process effectively.

Women Fund “Sukhumi” hosted a meeting, which was attended by members of the initiative group involved in the project. These are women and girls from different IDP communities (former clinical hospital, former technical college and residential houses located on Shervashidze street No. 58).

The meeting participants are ready to share the knowledge and experience, gained at the trainings and meetings, with people living in their communities and start to solve existing problems.

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

For successful advocacy

  • Sunday, 26 May 2024
  • 243 times

A working meeting was held at the office of the Women Fund "Sukhumi", which was attended by the members of the initiative group - IDPs from various collective centers of Kutaisi.

Group members try to use the skills acquired during the training and are motivated to solve their problems. According to them, the project empowered each participant and convinced them of their own abilities. All this is a necessary condition for the successful implementation of the advocacy process.

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

Meeting at the IDP Community Center

  • Saturday, 25 May 2024
  • 307 times

IDP Women and girls, members of the initiative group, attended a working meeting at Kutaisi IDP community center. They are informed about advocacy issues and will try to use their competence in practice to solve the problems of settlement.

The women noted: “The experience gained will help us to conduct successful advocacy with the relevant departments.”

“When I see a problem, I immediately begin to respond, prepare a letter, collect signatures and photographs, because I know that evidence will lead to success.”

“We have a letter with evidence, we will begin the advocacy process in a structured manner. Your support gives us more motivation. We hope you will help us when we face difficulties!”

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

Members of the youth group of the village Koki - Zugdidi municipality work on a new project - "We will find a way to each other's hearts!"  

The goal of the project is to support peace through art and youth activities, to raise civic awareness among young people and to actively involve them in the establishment of Georgian-Abkhazian relations.    The members of the group spoke to the schoolchildren about the project activities, announced an essay and drawing competition.

  Another meeting was held with the members of the women initiative group of the village Pakhulani - Tsalenjikha municipality. The participants talked about the problems identified as a result of the conducted research. According to them, unemployment, low wages, and unstable environment remain the challenges.

The members of the group noted that increasing awareness about state programs, revealing the needs of citizens, availability of consulting services is an important factor in the process of problem solution.

They discussed the high rate of migration and the accompanying social results. They talked about the deteriorating psycho-emotional background of adolescents. At the end of the meeting, a list of issues was made, which will be advocated in the near future.

  Tskaltubo youth group actively works in the area of peace. Mini-projects implemented by young people are quite diverse. Information meetings, quizzes, exhibition of paintings, conferences, meetings are part of project activities. The whole group is involved in the implementation of the project, the projects will be implemented until June 15, and their goal is to introduce a culture of peace in the society.

  The women's group of Tskaltubo works on the recommendations identified as a result of the research. Members discussed several issues. They will work on the advocacy plan from the next month.

Members of Senaki youth group work on a mini-project in the direction of peace. The project aims to popularize the issue of peace. Training was held with the members of the same group on the topic: "Media literacy and disinformation". The acquired knowledge will help the participants to distinguish true and false information. The members of Senaki women's group analyzed the recommendations highlighted as a result of the research and talked about the problems that they will try to advocate in the coming months.


     The members of the youth initiative group of the village Didinedze - Zugdidi municipality worked on the project: "Hello Abkhazia!". During the meeting, they discussed the activities planned within the project and distributed the responsibilities.    

    The members of the women initiative group started working on the advocacy of the issues identified as a result of the research. It was noted that unemployment, inflation, high prices for food products and medicines, as well as migration and credit loans in the bank, remain a challenge for the local population.

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