On October 8, a training organized by the Women Fund "Sukhumi", was held with young people in the public school of the village Koki - Zugdidi municipality. The topic of the meeting was: "Mediation as a Ritual of Reconciliation”. The aim of the training was to make the young people understand the importance of mediation, to develop the necessary skills on how to manage conflict with these methods. Members of Koki Youth Club attended the training. In the first part, a small historical speech was made on how mediation was used in the distant past. Parallels were also drawn between mediation, legal frameworks and the present day. The second part of the training was devoted to the essence of mediation and a detailed discussion of the skills that a mediator should be equipped with. In the third part, role-playing games were conducted, which allowed the participants to practically prove the theoretical materials received. The participants evaluated the training positively. At another working meeting the members of Koki women initiative group talked about the role of rural women in the development of the country. According to the participants, it is important to promote and appreciate them. The meeting was dedicated to the International Day of Rural Women, which is celebrated on October 15.

On October 4, cyber security trainer Linda Chikhladze conducted a workshop on digital security with women and youth initiative groups of the village Didinedzi - Zugdidi municipality. The workshop discussed the topic of personal data protection in social networks, the importance of complex passwords, phishing threats and practically reviewed the issues of double authentication.

In order to solve the problems of the IDP community in Senaki, within the framework of supporting the "Civil Initiatives", six water pumps were given to residents. The pumps will serve 12 buildings, facilitate the process of pumping water from basements and reduce the risks affecting the safety and health of people.

The second initiative was supported in response to the urgent problem of the threat posed by weeds. Within the framework of the project, five electric mowers were given to the population, designed for 12 residential houses.

Leaders of women's groups, activists and residents of the community actively joined in the process of implementing civil initiatives.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Activities of Senaki initiative group

  • Thursday, 03 October 2024
  • 175 times

Training with the members of the women initiative group on the topic "Digital security in the context of violence against women" was held In Senaki. Participants heard information about what types of cyber threats exist and how they are used against women. They learned how to protect personal data. During the meeting, the members of the youth initiative group celebrated the international day of girls and women living in rural areas, the members of the club focused on the rights of women and girls.

Khoni: planning specific work

  • Thursday, 26 September 2024
  • 243 times

Khoni Women's Network implements two civil initiatives. The first initiative will solve the problem of 40 families living in house No. 10 of the IDP settlement, related to flooding of basements during rain.

The implementation of the second initiative will solve the problem of heavy rainfall for 40 families living in house No. 15.

It is difficult for residents of both houses to get out of the entrances during rain - the entrances are flooded, water flows into the basements.

The members of the women's network consulted with specialists. Their recommendation is to make a barrier for water from the side of the pedestrian path.

The members of the women's network have already purchased the necessary materials and equipment, and are now planning specific work.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Problems and their solution

  • Thursday, 26 September 2024
  • 214 times

Stray dogs, the need for street lighting, a pedestrian path, a sidewalk, and restraining barriers - these problems were discussed by women living in different residential houses buildings on 53 Shervashidze Street, Kutaisi.

A member of the initiative group, Rimma Kalandia, who has attended training on advocacy issues, has met with women from the IDP settlement for the third time, she shares her knowledge and experience and calls for increased civic responsibility.

- Yes, we are often disappointed, but despite this, we must actively engage in advocacy for the community problems and seek their solution, - noted the meeting participants.

The project is implemented with the support of  USAID local governance program

Online meeting of the Women's Network

  • Thursday, 26 September 2024
  • 213 times

A meeting of the general network of IDP women and girls was held online with participation of the women initiative groups of Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Zugdidi and Senaki municipalities.

The meeting summarized the results of the current work within the framework of "Civil Initiatives". It was noted that the process of purchasing inventory envisaged by the project has been completed in the IDP communities. Members of the initiative group are ready to implement civil initiatives. Activities for the next month have already been planned.

The project is implemented with the support of the UN Women  organization

Support for civil initiatives in Senaki

  • Wednesday, 25 September 2024
  • 218 times

Members of Senaki women's network purchased six water pumps as part of the "support for civil initiatives". The pumps will serve 12 buildings and will make it easier for residents to pump water out of basements, if necessary.

As part of the second initiative, members of the group purchased five mowers. Their use will reduce the threat posed by weeds.

Women leaders, activists, and community residents were actively involved in the implementation of civil initiatives.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Completion of procurement process

  • Tuesday, 24 September 2024
  • 224 times


Within the framework of civil initiatives, the first stage – the procurement process has been completed!

Members of Kutaisi Women’s Network represent four settlements of the municipality.

IDPs living in the former music boarding school (58 Chavchavadze Street) purchased a lawn mower, an electric sprayer and a water pipe.

Residents of the cottage No 2 on Guram Gabeskiria Street also decided to buy a lawn mower and a water pipe, a pruner, a saw on batteries and other items.

In the third IDP settlement (21Sergo Zakariadze St), the initiative group purchased the necessary materials (cement, mesh, electrode, paints...) to install the gates and equip the entrance.

The group created in the fourth community (3 Leselidze St.) decided to solve the problem of the flooded basement – they purchased: a water pump, electric cable, oil, etc.

The implementation of civil initiatives will contribute to the safety of residents of four IDP communities.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women organization

Social Networks