On the initiative of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" within the framework of the project "Network of Women and Young Women Peace Ambassadors", training on the topic "Human Security Monitoring" was held on July18-19 in Batumi.
The training was attended by women and young women from five target municipalities: Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Senaki, Zugdidi.
According to the participants, these two days were informative and productive.
The project is implemented with the support
of the UN Women organizationa
Within the framework of the project "Network of Women and Youth Peace Ambassadors" the Women Fund “Sukhumi” organized a two-day training in the “West Inn Georgia” Hotel – Kutaisi.
The training was attended by the women's network members from five municipalities: Kutaisi, Khoni Tskaltubo, Zugdidi and Senaki.
In this TV Story, the project assistants talk about the project and the training in detail.
The project is implemented with the support
of the UN Women organization
During the traditional meeting in July the members of Kutaisi Youth Club discussed the details of the project -"Youth for Peace". They shared their experiences within the project, discussed the achieved results, and ways to solve the problems and challenges within the frames of the project. The leader of the club introduced the members to the final results of the project. At the meeting, they also talked about the activities to be implemented in the future. Kutaisi Youth Club implemented the project "Youth for Peace" financed by USAID within the framework of a small grant competition in the period of May-June of the current year. The members of Kutaisi Women Initiative Group talked about the development of the advocacy plan. Rights, duties and responsibilities were distributed. Members of the group will hold information meetings and talk about the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol.
At the meeting held in July with the members of Khoni Youth Club, the participants talked about the completed project and challenges, as well as the achievements they faced during the implementation of the project. The meeting was hosted by Khoni public school N 3. The members of the first women initiative group discussed the problem selected for the advocacy process and distributed the rights and responsibilities. They will work in the direction of ecology and mental health. The members of the second women initiative group talked about the advocacy plan and distributed the rights, duties and responsibilities. The women will hold informational meetings and talk to young people about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.
An online meeting was held with members of Zugdidi Women's Network. The new stage of work includes expanding the “Network of Women and Youth Peace Ambassadors”, strengthening the capacity of network participants and supporting their initiatives. The women once again identified problems and discussed issues that were important to their communities. They were also informed about the planned human security training, which will include 40 women from five municipalities.
Проект осуществляется при поддержке
Женской организации ООН
The members of the women initiative group of the village of Pakhulani - Tsalenjikha municipality talked about the resolution of the issues that were identified as a result of the research. They noted that the activities planned according to the advocacy plan are successfully implemented, which is important in the process of problem solution.
An online information meeting was held with members of Khoni Women’s Network. The participants highlighted important problems of the local community that will be resolved through civil initiatives with the support of the Women Fund “Sukhumi”.
During the meeting, problems were ranked by priority. It was decided that network members would inform the IDP community about their decision, after which they would develop an application and submit it for funding.
The project is implemented with the support
of the UN Women organization
720 IDP families live in 4 new houses on 53 Shervashidze Street, Kutaisi (2 more buildings will be added in the near future).
Women talk about a dangerous open channel. The channel is dangerous for the population. Reptiles often appear. There was a case when a ball fell into a channel and it caused dangerous situation for the children. There are no protective dams round the channel, so it is easy to fall into it. During strong winds, the channel fills with garbage, and during heavy rains, water flows out of the channel.
Women are also concerned about speeding vehicles, which is why they are calling for a mandatory stop line at crossings.
Members of the initiative group, trained in advocacy, share their experiences with the people living there and encourage everyone to increase their civic responsibility.
The project is implemented with the support of USAID local governance program
Nino Gorgodze is one of those young people who continue active meetings in their communities about forms of civic engagement and its necessity. The problem of internally displaced persons living on Nikea Street No. 21 is the damp walls of the building, which are more damaged during heavy rains and pose a threat to the health of people and the building itself. In order to solve the identified problem, the group members prepare a letter and meetings with the relevant departments are planned. The meetings are coordinated by an active member of the initiative group.
The project is implemented with the support of USAID local governance program