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The list includes: clinic, transport, salon...

Women initiative groups, organized by the Fund "Sukhumi" are actively involved in advocacy for the problems of IDP women, conflict-affected women, as well as citizens living near the conflict line.

They have a systematic dialogue with local authorities, structures on IDP issues, local and international non-governmental organizations. For the given moment, international organizations have become the "target" of the group members.

Nona Bukia, the leader of the women initiative group of the village Khurcha (Zugdidi municipality), had an opportunity to talk to the UN Resident Coordinator in Georgia Sabina Mahl, who met with representatives of local NGOs, IDP women and conflict-affected women in Anaklia.

The participants of the meeting discussed the problems of women, peace and security, Resolution 1325, localization of 2018-2020 National Action Plan, the involvement of women IDPs and women affected by the conflict in decision-making, peacekeeping and security processes.

Nona underlined the issues that are most important in the communities near the conflict line: she personally and in written form submitted a package of questions with a large list of those problems that concern the residents of not only her village, but also other villages near the conflict line, especially women.

She gets information by participating in the activities that are carried out within the framework of the Fund “Sukhumi” project “Women`s participation in the process of building trust and sustainable peace” in particular, it is a women’s needs research, direct communication with various women groups, a large mandate of trust that she has in these communities.

The list of the problematic issues she listed, included: the issue of the malfunctioning of a rural clinic, where doctors and nurses have to serve patients in inappropriate conditions (a clinic built a year ago in Khurcha, has not been opened yet); existing shortcomings in the service of preschool education in several communities; restrictions on movement still exist on the de facto border, which harms the health of citizens; existing restrictions on the transportation of goods when moving on municipal transport, which limits the ability of citizens to stock up on main products during the pandemic, which, as she notes, deletes the ties between the villagers and the agricultural market.

The most important thing is that in the communities near the conflict line, Nona and other women-activists of the communities are a striking force. The area of their attention covers such seemingly insignificant topics, as the shortage of household facilities in the village - when women do not have an elementary opportunity to visit a beauty salon; in addition, the alarming situation of citizens from the point of view of keeping security, when the fact of the appearance of Russian armed "border guards" in the center of the village remains unresponsive; other various needs of people which require a response and also the advocacy skills, that Nona and her team members possess well.

See the information about a meeting on:



The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

 womens Foundation (Sweden)

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