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Positive aspects of the hotline of Khoni City Hall

Khatia Khachapuridze: “I live in Tbilisi. I needed to register my father's land in the village Gelaveri, and I found Khoni hotline in Google ... I was provided with all the information I needed. I welcome the existence of a hotline, because it simplifies the solution of many issues".

Tsisana Mushkudiani: “The Internet and social networks made the whole world more comfortable, not only Khoni. I do not often call on Knoni hotline, although, whenever I applied, I was never left unanswered. They competently provide the information they have”.

This is the opinion of people who are satisfied with Khoni hotline.

The hotline was created following the recommendations of Khoni working group: a separate telephone line was installed, the staff was retrained, the population was provided with information about the start of the hotline...

The idea of a hotline belongs to Khoni civil society organization – Center for Education and Development “Edelweiss” and this idea was implemented in cooperation with the local government.

The head of the organization Eliso Jikia says: “With the support of a mini-grant of the Fund “Sukhumi”, we have implemented a small project “Public Voice in Self-Government” in our municipality.

The hotline has started its operation since August 2020. During Covid pandemic, when villages were closed for months, there was no live communication between citizens and the local government, this service became particularly successful - citizens call and receive qualified answers to their questions".

The official website of Khoni municipality http://khoni.gov.ge gives the hotline numbers in the category "contacts":

+995 595 33 25 44 - City Hall

+995 595 33 84 49 – City Council

An active member of Khoni working group - journalist Guranda Tsaguria, published an article regarding the hotline in the newspaper “Khoni”


It should also be mentioned that within the framework of the second mini-grant “Increasing the accessibility of citizens for greater inclusion”, the official website of the municipality was updated. This idea was implemented by an active civil society organization – Knoni IDP initiative group.

This is one of the successful results of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.


The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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